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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. United States

ID #1624569540
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
09.10.2007 21:30
Уэйнсвилл, NC
United States

The girl and I were driving west on I-40, approaching the Tennessee state Line. We went to the Max Patch mountain, a large mountainous bald spot of about 50 acres. We arrived at about 8 o'clock in the evening, spread out a blanket and looked for meteors, as we often do at this place.... Weekly. We were both sober, and neither of us had ever reported a UFO experience. 

We sat and looked at the stars for about an hour, the specified time is approximate, and we saw several shooting stars as usual. I lit a cigarette, and across the opposite ridge, where we were sitting, a large luminous object in the shape of a disk appeared. 

The object slowly drifted in our direction and in a few seconds was directly above our head. The bottom of the ship was like a mass of glowing jelly. I know it sounds strange, but this is what I saw. A greenish color, which turned turquoise-blue at the edges. We stood and stared in amazement when a flash of light broke my concentration. 

I looked at my girlfriend, and she was confused, just like me. The cigarette in my hand burned to the butt and burned my fingers to red ... and, of course, it hurt, as if I was burned. How long have I been watching the ship? Have we been kidnapped? Why do I not remember how long it took for a full cigarette to burn, or do I not remember how it burned my hand? 

This place is located miles from civilization, about 8 miles from the interstate highway and is often considered one of the most beautiful places on the Appalachian Trail. 

We will be grateful for any understanding of what could have happened. Did this happen earlier at a reasonable distance from this place? 

My girlfriend is a registered nurse (and she is excellent), and I am a chemistry student. None of us have any mental disorders, substance abuse problems, and we do not take prescription medications. We are both 24 years old. 

Sincerely, Stunned

Original news

Date: October 9 2007
Location: Waynesville, North Carolina
Time: 21:33
Summary: My girlfriend and I were driving west on I-40 nearing the Tennessee state line. We were going to Max Patch Mountain, a large mountainous bald approx. 50 acres. We arrived at around 8 pm laid out a blanket and looked for meteors as we often do at this site…. Weekly. We were both sober and neither of us has ever reported a UFO experience. We sat looking at the stars for around an hour the event time listed is approximate, and we saw a few shooting stars as normal. I lit a cigarette and over the opposite ridge from where we were sitting a large glowing disk shaped object emerged. The object slowly drifted in our direction and within seconds was directly over our head. The bottom of the craft looked like a mass of glowing jelly. I know this sounds weird but hey its what I saw. A greenish color that turned a turquoise blue at it’s edges. We were standing there looking in amazement when a flash of light broke my concentration. I looked to my girlfriend and she was as bewildered as I felt. The cigarette in my hand was burnt to the butt and had burned my fingers to a red color…and of course it hurt like I was burnt. How long did I observe the craft? Were we abducted? Why don’t I remember the time it took for a full cigarette to burn or remember it burning my hand? This location is miles from civilization approximately 8 mi’s of dirt road travel from the interstate and is often regarded as one of the most beautiful places on the Appalachian Trail. Any insight into what may have happened would be appreciated. Has this occurred within a reasonable distance of this location before? In excess my girlfriend is a Registered Nurse (and she’s great) and im a chemistry student. Neither of us have mental disorders, substance abuse problems, or take prescription medicine. We are both 24 yrs old. Sincerely, Stunned
Source: Davenport, Peter 


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