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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1624613065
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
27.10.2007 01:00
Лиг-Сити, TX
United States

The main witness and his friend were driving around looking for something to do. On the way, they saw that they had just finished building a new road, and decided to check it out. It was still new, without street lights, and passed through a large field.

They were in the middle of the road when a huge brown-brown object of a somewhat oval shape flew through the air directly towards them. The driver slammed on the brakes because it didn't look like he was going to stop, and as soon as he did, the object stopped. Then the object just sat and hovered at a distance of 10-15 feet (3-4.5 m) from the car. 

Both witnesses just sat in the car and looked at the object. And then, with incredible speed, it took off and disappeared. Then they left, not knowing what to do. After a few feet, they stopped and turned around, they were scared but curious. Then they saw the object hovering right over the road again, then it flew straight to the witness and hovered right over them again, it stayed there for about 10 seconds, and then flew away. 

While watching the object carry away a strange-looking creature about 5 feet (1.5 m) tall with a round shape, he jumped out of the bushes and ran out onto the road, they had to turn off to avoid noticing him. They don't know where the creature went, but it walked on two legs. 

It looked like it was naked and strangely brown in color. After that, they went home.

Original news

Location. League City, Texas
Date: October 27 2007
Time: 0100am
The main witness and his friend were riding around looking for something to do. As they drove around they saw that they had just finished building a new road so they decided to check it out. It was still new and there were no street lights and it went through a large field. They were in the middle of the road when a huge brown and tan object somewhat oval shaped, came flying through the air straight toward them. The driver slammed on the brakes because it didn’t look like it was going to stop and as soon as he did that, the object stopped. The object then just sat there hovering at about 10 to 15 ft from the car. Both witnesses just sat in the car staring at the object. And then at an incredible speed it flew straight up and disappeared. They then drove away not knowing what to do. A few feet down the road they stopped and turned around, they were scared but curious. They then saw the object again, floating just above the road, it then flew straight towards the witness and hovered right on top of them again, it stayed there for about 10 seconds and then it flew away. As they watched the object speeding away a weird looking creature about 5ft tall with a round shape to it, jumped out of the bushes and ran into the road, they had to swerve to miss it. They don’t know where the creature went but it walked on two legs. It seemed to have been naked and of an odd looking brown color. After that they drove home.
Source: NUFORC


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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