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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1625051975
Added Wed, 30/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
23.09.2009 22:00
Батлер, MO
United States

We were going to take photos at night, shooting blindly down ravines and streams, hollows and deep inside walled areas of trees. Our hope was to catch the animals by surprise and get interesting photos. I used a flash on each one and took more than a hundred pictures that night. We left at 8.30.

Throughout the evening, we felt only that there was a calming trip around the village with maybe some good photos. We looked at the pictures on the computer in the morning. The next morning, when I looked through them, enlarging in the photo gallery, I saw two photos and several others. I'm sending 4. We didn't remember anything that was visible in the images, on the plane or in what was in front of the car. No recollection of being stopped.

The next evening, when we arrived, we had similar results, several more photos that were strange, even more frightening because of the activity in front of our car, which could not be clearly seen. 

We were a little worried, but we were more interested in the ship, which we saw twice in the photos. and a few days later, we thought again that it might be safe, so we came back with tape recorders in the car. And the things on the tapes were muted, but some areas were crystal clear, one of them was our conversation on the tape, and then the car suddenly stopped, the doors opened, and my wife was woken up by a whimper. I struggled in my seat, unable to speak, it lasted for some time, maybe 10 seconds, there was a buzzing sound in two short bursts, and I no longer heard how I was resisting, in fact, none of us could be heard. 

There is a moment when a voice makes a sexual reference, one sentence, and then yes, their dumbass. Then, after some time (yes, almost ready), the sounds of equipment placement? For example, to collect things, close the container, etc.Within the next minute, we start the car, get behind the wheel again and resume the conversation that we had before the incident.

We returned home, ready for bed, not even suspecting that something had happened. By the middle of the night, we began to have severe abdominal pain and identical pain in the rectum. It lasted almost three days. This and the things found on the tape made it clear what may have happened. Again, the large set contained photos of only a strangely shaped car outside the car kicking up dust. His strange sound. There were other things that bothered us so much that I destroyed the records. 

The photos I send (not published) are the clearest, without the flakes of dust that made others unidentified. We lost time for about an hour at least twice. 

During a recent trip to the hospital, a small round polished bead the size of a BB, cartridges for an air pistol, was noticed on an X-ray in my sinus. I also have a hole in my neck, near the hairline, so that the sewing needle can be inserted almost along the entire length and without pain. No blood, no discharge of any kind. It can still be seen.

Original news

Date: September 23 2009
Location: Butler, Missouri
Time: 22:00
Summary: We were going out to photograph, at night, blindly shooting down into gulleys and streams, hollows and deep inside walled areas of trees. Our hope was too catch animals off guard and maybe get interesting pictures. I was using a flash, on each and shot over a hundred pictures that night. We left at 8,30 Throughout the entire evening, we felt only that a calming ride in the country had occurred with possibly some good pictures . Pictures we’d view in the morning on the computer. The next morning when I looked through them enlarging them on photo gallery, I saw the two pictures and a few others. I’m sending. 4 that night that I had no memory,, of taking. We had no memory at all of anything seen in the images, the craft, or the thing in front of the car. No memory of being stopped. We returned on the next night thinking something cool had happened seeing a UFO and thought since we were unharmed it would be safe to return.

The next night we went we had similar results, a few more pictures that were strange even more frightening because of the activity in front of our car that could not be made out clearly. We were slightly worried but more curious about the ship we had seen twice in the pictures. and after a few more days thought again it might be safe, so we returned with tape recorders in the car. And the things on the tapes were muffled but a few areas crystal clear, one of these was our talking on the tape, and then the car stopping suddenly, the doors came open and my wife was drug out with a whimper, and the sound of me struggling in my seat unable to speak went on for some time, possibly 10 seconds, there was a humming sound in two short bursts, and I was heard struggling no longer, in fact neither of us were heard. There is a point where a voice makes a sexual reference, one sentence,, and then that yea their dumb. Afterward, some time later( yea there almost ready. ) the sounds of arranging equipment? Like picking up stuff , closing a container, etc. Within the next minute we start the car, pull away driving again, and resume the conversation we had been having before the incident.

We returned home, ready for sleep, having no idea anything had occurred. We had by mid-night the beginning of severe abdominal pain and rectal pain as well, identical. These conditions lasted for the better part of three days. This and the things found on the tape made it clear what had possibly taken place . Again photos were in the large set ,of only a odd shaped vehicle outside the car stirring up dust. Its strange sound on the tape. There were other things said so disturbing to us, I destroyed the tapes. The photos I’m sending are the clearest free of dust flakes that made the others unidentifiable. We experienced a time loss of roughly an hour two times at least. During a recent hospital trip a small round polished bead the size of a BB, the airgun ammo, was seen in my sinus cavity in a x-ray. Also, I have a hole on the back of my neck, near my hairline, that a sewing needle could be inserted almost its whole length, eye first with no pain. No blood or discharge of any kind. It can still be seen.
Source: Davenport, Peter 


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Satish Dhawan Space Center (Sriharikota Space Center), Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh (India) Vehicle: PSLV-CA Payload: Oceansat 2 UWE 2 SwissCube 1 BeeSat 1 (Tubsat 8) ITÜ-pSat 1 Rubin 9-AIS


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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