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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625058184
Added Wed, 30/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
25.10.2009 18:45
United Kingdom

The stationary object was seen for 45 seconds, then disappeared over Borehamwood, very high. Please view all the images placed at the end of the report for reference. This is a brief report about a small object that was seen for about 45 seconds. I live in the Coleridge area, which is in Elstree and Borehamwood.

A few weeks ago I bought a road bike, but I had nothing but problems with the fact that it constantly flattened the tires. This morning was no different when I got a tired apartment just a few hundred feet from my office, so it wasn't that bad. At the end of the working day, which is usually 18: 00, but today I stayed to finish creating a new account on one of our client sites, for some reason it didn't work while I was talking to the client on the phone, so I tried again at 6:00.

Anyway, sorry, but I'm tired and I'm not in a hurry to write this, so anyway, I took my bike and honestly, I downloaded a few mp3s and put them in my mp3 player, I unlocked my bike and started 20/25 minutes of driving home slowly with the player turned on, etc., I didn't really have anything on my mind and I was just thinking about my affairs outside of work, I'm successfully doing homework similar to trading. 

I got to the corner of what seem to be gardens worthy of words, and felt a slight pain in my stomach (as if I had encountered something), looked straight to the left and saw a big red cat under a tree. I looked into the eyes and considering that I grew up with two cats and can make a great sound coming here. I tried to beckon the cat to me, so I kind of sat down, holding my bike with my right hand, the cat just looked at me, and I realized that he was not interested in bringing his fat ass to me for some affection, which is quite fair. 

Okay, so when I saw the object, when I was behind the second car in the picture, walking along the usual path that I chose (usually on my bike on the actual road, and not on the left footpath), I looked up and saw something like a silver object, I very often double-check most objects, since in the past I was interested in UFOs.

Thanks to this, I can give an approximate height of the object.My first few seconds were looking at the progress of the object as such. A funny-looking plane. Yes, I've seen this before, an airplane can be in a certain direction or look to the side, which makes it strange or funny (and not the way an airplane should be, etc.). OK, it's not moving because it's so high, and when it's so high, you can't tell if you don't look longer than usual, if it's lower, you can tell it's moving, it's more obvious how high it is.

It is difficult for me to determine the altitude, and I have been looking at it for several seconds, it should be plus 50 km? but it does not move a single drop, not even a particle of the sky.Then I focused heavily on the problem of movement and tried to detect any movement that had gone so far that perhaps walking from a fairly slow to a really barely walking step, and was more attentive to my movement, and not to his movement, in order to reduce my movement so that I could focus on this moment, he did not move at all - was my conclusion. 

Then I revised its shape and size, and it was very difficult to understand what it was, it did not have wings, but it was not a clear shape, but a square with silver on the right, perhaps some kind of silver metal beam.

Yes, it definitely had a hardness and a part that mimicked the appearance of the wing, but not in the configuration or direction in which the wing of a conventional aircraft would have a left and left view. It was very difficult to say what it was and what kind of form it was to describe now.As soon as I put my foot down, of course, I wanted to look at this strange thing again, but it disappeared, my head went out of control for a moment. 

Then I felt that someone had pulled the rug out from under my feet or someone had stolen something from me, and I was a little angry that it had disappeared. One point that I want to add is that the visibility was 100% without clouds, and due to the location of the buildings, my vision of the sky was very wide. I do not know the size or scale of what I can see, but I can / could pretty much see the entire open sky, and yet it has disappeared. 

The rest of my way home consisted of pulling out my cell phone and calling my parents to say what I had just seen and scanning the sky, but I got through to voicemail, so I hung up. The only thing of particular interest is that the moon was absent, but it was to the left and behind me, or at 7/8 o'clock, when I was walking along the attached path. 

About 10-15 seconds after the object disappeared, I saw quite a lot of other planes, one flying directly ahead and on the left headed for my 4 o'clock, and further along my walk two more plains were flying depending on where they were going.

As for the size of the object, it was very small, so I thought that it must be so high, since I have seen flying machines that were so high or very high, and they were also very small when they were so high, if you make a square with your fingers, as I did, it is an approximate size, a square, quite tiny. Its appearance was white in color, and it looked like it was silver.

Original news

Date: October 25 2009
Location: Elstree and Borehamwood UK/England
Time: 18:45
Summary: Non moving object seen for 45 seconds then disappeared over borehamwood, very high. Please review all images posted at end of report for reference please. This is a short report about a small object seen for around 45 seconds. I live in Coleridge way which is in Elstree & Borehamwood, Some weeks ago I purchased a road bike but have had nothing but problems with it getting flat tires all the time. This morning was no different when I received a flat tired just a few hundred feet away from my office area, so it was not too bad. At the end of the working day which is normally 6pm but today I stayed behind to finish up a new user account creation at one of our client sites, for some reason it did not work whilst I was on the phone with the customer so I retried at 6:00pm and it worked and fired off an email from the new mailbox which I accessed over outlook over web cc ing our support@ email address. Any way sorry but I’m tired and I’m taking the time to write this so any way I fetched my bike and to be totally honest I downloaded a number of mp3s and put them on my mp3 player, I unlocked my bike and started the 20/25 minute walk home slowly with player on etc, nothing was really on my mind and I was just thinking about my outside of work endeavours, I am successfully at a form of homework I do similar to trading. I reached the corner of what appears to be wordsworth gardens and felt a slight pain in my stomach (as if confronting some thing)and I looked directly to my left and saw a large ginger cat under the tree , I made eye contact and given I grew up with two cats and can make an excellent come here sound I attempted to beckon towards me the cat so I sort of sat down holding my bike up with my right arm (see image marked with x), the cat just stared at me and I got the general idea that he was not interested in moving his fat arse over to me for some affection which is fair enough. Ok so this is when I saw the object, when I got behind the second car in the picture walking along the normal path I take(normally on my bike on the actual road path not left foot path) I looked up and saw a sort of silver object, I very often do double check most objects as I was interested in ufos in the past and have listened to rense . Because of that I am able to give the rough elevation of the object. My first few seconds looking at the object progress as such. That’s a funny looking airplane. Yeah I’ve seen this before, The airplane can be at a certain direction or facing a way that makes it look strange or funny.(and not like a plane should etc) Wow it’s not moving. Ok Its not moving because it’s so high and when it’s that high you can’t tell unless you watch for longer than normal, if its lower you can tell it’s moving , its more obvious, how high is that, wow if that’s so high that its difficult for me to tell the height and I have been looking at it for a good few seconds it must be plus 50k feet? but it’s not moving even a small bit, not even a fraction of a bit of sky. I then concentrated on the movement issue a lot and tried to detected any movement at all going so far as to maybe walking from quite slow to really hardly walking in step and being more mindful of my movement vs its movement so as to lower my movement so I could focus in on this point, it was not moving at all was my conclusion. I then reconsidered the shape and size of it and it was very difficult to make out what it was, it did not seem to have wings but it was not a clear cut shape but square with silver to the right maybe some kind of silver metal beam, yes there was definitely solidness to it and a part of it which mimicked the appearance of a wing but not in the configuration or direction which a normal airplane will exhibit a wing, sort of off and to the left. It was very hard to tell what it was or its correct shape to describe now. I then continued to look at it for maybe a few more seconds before I reached the end of the long red line (see images) and I put my head down and stepped off the small curb and to the left as this is the direction to continue my walk home. No sooner had I put my foot down, of course I wanted to look straight back up at this weird thing but it was gone, my head then sort of went on a instant out of control sweep. I then felt like someone had pulled the rug from under my feet or someone had stolen something from me and I was a little bit pissed off about the fact it was gone. One point I wish to add is that the visibility was 100% with zero clouds and due to the layout of the buildings my vision of the sky was very wide, I don’t know measurements or scale of what I can see but I can / could pretty much see the whole open sky and yet it had disappeared, that was a total impossibility I can state 100% there is no way at all it could have moved any were more than a short distance at the height it must have been if it were the size of a craft, to disappear is totally impossible. The rest of my journey home consisted of me pulling my mobile out and calling my parents to say what I had just seen and scanning the sky. but I got through to voice mail so I hung up. The only additional points of interest are the moon was out but it was to the left and back of me or 7/8 o’clock when walking down the attached path. Around 10 to 15 seconds after the object disappeared I saw quite a number of other aircraft one coming from directly ahead and to the left going to my 4oclock, and further along my walk another two Plaines going whichever way they were going. Regarding how high it was if looking straight up is 12 o’clock and straight ahead is 9 clock , then my eyes were looking up at an angle of just below 11oclock, you could not look at it with your head in a normal position, and it was not bang between 9 and 12 o’clock it was slightly higher than that. My final submission now that I can talk freely is that the biggest thing that hit me was when it was gone, it was there 100% whatever it was but it was when it was gone that was the impressive thing, that it could be there and in under 1 or 1 and a half seconds it could clear out from someone who had such large visibility. That is what I will remember from this, this was the unusually factor and light had not yet fallen I could see the whole sky in close to normal daylight. Additional points : When I got home I told my housemates about it, I have a lumix Panasonic dmc fs4 digital camera and felt it important to get out there to document the site I saw the object and also see if it was there again in the sky. I will inspect this part of the sky tomorrow at the same time to see if it returns. Please let me know if anyone else has seen it or if there is a valid answer for what it was. I was not so impressed with the object but more with its ability to disappear like that, that it was solid there and then gone, it upsets me that it went when I looked away and i did not see how it went. Images This is a map of the location spoken about above with the red line indicating the path I took. This is the location just before I looked up, I bent down at point 1, then moved off to point 2 looking up at around, 6:45pm by my watch, checking my time now against the internet shows my watch is off by +8 minutes *source Google gmt time keyword search and compare.  I first saw the object when looking up at the sky straight ahead marked between the yellow lines around here, I was somewhat focused on it at that point but that is a good estimate. I then kept my eyes firmly glued to the object without releasing it from my view along this length of footpath, I retraced how long this is in time and at a slow pace is around 45 seconds. Regarding the size of the object it was very small, this is why I felt it must be so high as I have viewed air craft which is so high or very high and it is also very small when so high, if you make a square with your fingers like I have done, that’s a rough size, the square, quite tiny. Its appearance was of white with solidness to it being silver. I do not wish to be contacted unless it is extremely urgent, I am willing to discuss this but all facts of the matter have been reported here. I do plain on carrying my camera for the next month for my return trip from work. My wish is that this report is used against someone else having seen it or that this report is helpful in some other way, such as this report confirming something regarding another report or sighting. This is true and correct as best as I know how and I am not aware of any reason for this event other than something being there and then not being there, or in other words I do not take drugs or drink and my vision is clear enough to see being I am only of 33 years of age. Please email me if there is an update to this. thanks.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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