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UFO. United States

ID #1625059841
Added Wed, 30/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Моррилтон, AR
United States

I live in Conway AR and I wanted to share with you a REAL mass observation that took place in Morrilton AR back in 2010.

My band was going to a concert on the weekend at a club called Joses around 21: 00 and was returning on the way back to collect cargo. from our trailer, I noticed lights moving from north to south almost directly above us, at about the altitude at which single-engine aircraft usually fly (1-2000 feet?).

They were brightly lit spherical objects - the white upper half / the red lower half, like a float; moving slowly separately in dense, but seemingly random formations, they never approached, did not move away from each other and did not deviate in height. 

They were also not connected to each other - we could see the stars between them as we drove past. When they pass our position, they will disappear quite quickly. The craziest thing was that we saw wave after wave of these objects pass by; From 12 to 15 object waves at a time, and we actually had to stop watching them so that we could continue tuning our equipment for the range. Each wave was separated by approximately 1,000 feet.

I climbed to the top of the club, trying to see better (looking for a plane or something dropping flares), but only saw it getting closer and closer to us. One of the owners of the club was lying on the ground and shouted as he counted them:

"It's 50 now!"

The main point of WTF. There were 7 of us who saw these things, and unfortunately, cell phones were not good enough to capture them on video, although we tried. They weren't rockets ... I watched a lot of videos with rockets. 

I'm not saying that we saw alien ships, but I have no idea what kind of ships they were. And for the record - we have just arrived at the club, and you can't smoke and drink yet! I would say that I have personally seen more than a hundred passages. 

Their long trail SHOULD have crossed the I-40 highway, which went directly north of our location. We were all very surprised and excited, but we were not afraid to see them. We are all ready to discuss this at a public forum if we wish. 

Thank you for what you (Peter) and others are doing. I wish I had the software to recreate our observation.

Original news

Date: September 10 2010  
Location:  Morrilton, Arkansas
Summary:  I live in Conway AR and wanted to share a REAL mass sighting with you that happened in Morrilton AR back in 2010. My band was setting up for a weekend gig at a club named Joses at around 9pm and on a return trip to get a load out of our trailer I noticed lights moving North to South almost directly above us at approx the height single engine planes usually fly (1-2000 ft?) they were brightly lit spherical objects – white upper half / red bottom half like a fishing bobber; slowly moving individually in tight yet seemingly random formations and they never got closer or further away from each other or deviated in altitude. They were not connected to each other either- we could see stars between them as the passed us. As they passed our position they would fade out rather quickly. The craziest thing about it was that we saw wave after wave of these objects go by; 12 to 15 object waves at a time and actually had to quit watching them so we could continue setting up our band equipment. Each wave was separated by approx. 1000 ft. I got on top of the club in attempt to see better (looking for a plane or something dropping flares) but only saw more and more coming towards us. One of the club owners was on the ground and hollered out “I’m up to 50 now” as he was counting them. Major WTF moment. There were 7 of us that saw these things and unfortunately cell phones weren’t good enough to get video of them, although we tried. They were not flares….I’ve looked at lots of flare videos. I’m not saying we saw alien ships but don’t have a clue what they were. And for the record-we had just arrived at the club and no smoking or drinking had taken place yet! I would say I personally saw well over a hundred pass over. The long trail of them HAD to be crossing over I-40 which was directly north of our location. We were all pretty amazed and excited but felt no fear about seeing them. We are all willing to talk about it in a public forum if desired. Thanks for what you (Peter) and others do. I wish I had the software to recreate our sighting.
Source:  MUFON


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