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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1625062319
Added Wed, 30/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
10.11.2010 21:00
Холлидейсберг, PA
United States

Last night, around 21: 00, I was standing on the street and noticed a particularly bright star in the southeast in the sky, where I had not seen anything like this before. It was a little hard to see because we live in the forest and it was visible through the tree line, so I went up to our garden above the house to get a better look. There was no wind, and yet it seemed that the trees were moving, or it was light. 

While I was standing there, he was moving very slowly, so at first I wasn't sure if he was moving, or if I was seeing incorrectly. After about ten minutes, my husband came out to look and agreed that it was moving, and joined me, watching the very slow movement across the sky. 

From time to time, it would stop and hover, and then move very slowly again. While it was hanging, I saw a couple of things that looked like the lights of a small plane. I thought they should see it if I see it on the ground. They continued on their way, and this happened 3 times, which is an unusual volume of air traffic for our area. He moved so slowly and seemed to sway a little a few times. Then he stayed in the same place for a long time, and we went inside to rest our necks. 

I went out to check every 20 minutes or so, and it was about the same place. I fell asleep on the couch, woke up at 00: 35 and went outside to look. By this time, it had moved slightly to the west and, obviously, gained altitude. 

It looked smaller, but it was still a very bright set of lights that we had seen earlier. One day I called my daughter and asked her to see if there was anything on the Internet about this, except that we didn't notify anyone. 

I couldn't imagine that at 9pm on a Sunday evening, someone else hadn't seen it. I looked again at 3am and there were clouds and no signs of light.

Original news

Date: November 10 2010  
Location:   Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania
Time:  around 9 PM
Summary: Last night at around 9 PM I was standing outside when I noticed a particularly bright star southeast in the sky where I hadn’t seen any like that before. It was a little hard to see because we live in the woods and it was visible through the tree line, so I went up into our garden above the house to get a better look.  There was no wind and yet it seemed the trees moved or else it was the light. As I stood there it moved very slowly, so that at first I wasn’t sure if it was moving or I wasn’t seeing right. After about ten minutes my husband came out to watch and agreed that it was moving and he joined me, watching the very slow progress across the sky. It stopped every once in a while and hung there, then moved ever so slowly again. While it was hanging I saw a couple of what looked like the lights of a small plane. I thought that they must be able to see this if I can see it on the ground. They kept on their path and this happened 3 times, which is an unusual amount of air traffic for our area. It moved so slowly and also seemed to wobble a little several times. Then it stayed in the same spot for a long time and we went inside to rest our necks. I went out to check every 20 minutes or so and it was in about the same place. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up at 12:35 AM and went outside to look. At this point it had moved a little to the West and had apparently climbed in altitude. It looked smaller, but was still the very bright set of lights that we had seen earlier. I called my daughter at one point asking her to see if there was anything on the internet about this, other than that we didn’t notify anyone. I couldn’t imagine that at 9PM on a Sunday night that someone else hadn’t seen it. I looked again at 3AM and there was some cloud cover and no sign of lights.
Source:  UFO.Net


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