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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. India

ID #1625137480
Added Thu, 01/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.12.2009 21:09

I was on the terrace with a friend and looked at the sky (Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, India).

I saw three flashing lights (white). I thought it was a plane, and then I decided to watch it rise. But it didn't move like a normal plane. 

It moved higher and higher at an angle of 45 degrees, and then it sank again close enough for me to see the shape. It was roughly triangular in shape. In the form of a three-pointed star. Three wings, and a bright white light burned along the edge of each. These lights were flashing sequentially, one after the other. 

He flew straight across the sky until I saw him disappear into the gray rain clouds. I think it was gray, but I could be wrong, because it was the night sky. 

I'm a student and I don't believe in alien life. It may be a strange weapon that some country is developing. But it was creepy.

Original news

Date: December 26 2009
Location: Bangalore India
Time: 21:09
Summary: I was on the terrace with a friend and I looked up at the sky.(Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, India) I saw three blinking lights (white). I dismissed it thinking it was a plane and then decided to see how it rises up. But, it did not move like a normal plane. It moved higher and higher in a 45 degree angle and then came down again close enough for me to see a shape. It was roughly triangular. Shaped like a three-pointed star. Three wings and at the edge of each one was a bright white light. These lights blinked consecutively, one after another. It went straight across the sky till I saw it disappear into the grey rain clouds. I think it was grey in colour but i could be wrong because it was a night sky. I am a student and I don’t believe in foreign Life. It could be a weird weapon some country is developing. But it was creepy.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


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