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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625218432
Added Fri, 02/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
10.04.2010 21:45
Южный Окендон
United Kingdom

On November 5, 2009, I was standing in the back garden of my parents ' house in Dagenham, Essex, when something caught my attention in the sky. I drank a couple of cans of lager and was not sure at first, but it seemed that it was moving so slowly, almost floating through the sky, that I knew it was abnormal. It was a very large fireball. 

At first I thought it was just fireworks because it was a bonfire night, maybe like a rocket, but it was slowly moving towards us. I could see that it wasn't a plane or a helicopter, because of the speed at which it was moving. It started in the sky about 2 miles away from us and for a few seconds hovered over our garden at an altitude of about 500-600 meters in the sky, when it flew overhead, I could see it. 

A large transparent sphere with a fireball inside, when it moved 200 meters away, suddenly soared up and disappeared from view in a matter of seconds. I knew that this was not normal, and I told the family, who, of course, took Mickey away from me. 

I've never seen anything like this before and, of course, I'm not one of those people who usually talk about it or fill out this form, but today, April 10, 2010, my wife and I just saw the same thing again. 

My wife didn't believe me when I told her in November, but she was just with me and smoking a cigarette on our balcony in South Ockendon, Essex, and she witnessed it with me. And again, it was a big giant fireball in the sky about a mile away from us, and I would say at an altitude of about 500 meters above the sky level. 

It was so clear that you could see that it was a fire, and it was slowly floating from right to left from our field of vision. It was too slow to be an airplane, and had no noise. My wife couldn't believe what she was seeing, and I told her that it was something I had seen before. 

We watched it for maybe 30 seconds, and the Balloon changed its route and very quickly shot straight into the sky and disappeared from sight. I'm surprised and confused by what I saw, but I still don't know how to explain it.

Original news

Date: April 10 2010
Location: South Ockendon England
Time: 21:45
Summary: On November 5th 2009, I was standing outside in my parents back garden in Dagenham, Essex when something caught my attention in the sky. I had drunk a couple of cans a lager and wasn’t sure at first but it seemed to move so slowly, almost hovering across the sky that I knew it was not normal. It was a very large Ball of Fire. At first I thought it was just a firework due to the fact it was bonfire night, maybe a rocket type but it was moving slowly towards us. I could see that it was not an aeroplane or a Helicopter because of the speed it was moving. It started in the sky about 2 miles away and within seconds it hovered across our garden approximately 500-600 metres up in the sky, as it passed over head I could see it. A large clear Orb with a Ball of Fire inside once it got 200 metres away it suddenly shot upwards very quickly and disappeared out of sight within seconds. I knew this was not normal and told family who of course took the Mickey out of me. I have never seen anything like this before and am certainly not the type of person who would normally tell people about this or fill in this form but today is the 10th April 2010 and I and my Wife have just seen exactly the same thing again. My wife did not believe me when I told her in November but she was just with me smoking a cigarette on our balcony in South Ockendon, Essex and she witnessed it with me. Again it was a large Giant Ball of Fire in the sky approximately a mile away from us and I would say about 500 metres up into the sky. It was so clear that you could see it was fire and it was hovering slowly from right to left of our view. It was far too slow to be a plane and had no noise to it. My wife could not believe what she was seeing and I told her it was what I saw before. We watched it for maybe 30 seconds and the Orb changed route and shot extremely quick straight up into the sky and out of sight. I am both amazed and confused to what I have seen and still not quite sure how to explain it.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


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