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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625219464
Added Fri, 02/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.04.2010 17:08
United Kingdom

I was with a couple of friends. We were in an inflatable boat near Antons Gaut, Boston, on the Witham River. 

I had problems with the outboard motor all day, so I decided to moor the boat to sort out the problem once and for all. We docked at 17: 02 on my mobile phone. In less than ten minutes, I disassembled the outboard engine and pulled the anchor out of the water. 

As I was doing this, I noticed that from behind the trees on the river bank, a little more than a mile from where we were, a group of what I thought were balloons flew out. However, I soon noticed that these spheres that I saw were too big to be balloons, and were moving quite quickly through the sky, although there was almost no wind. 

The spheres were perfectly spherical. but it swayed a little when they crossed the river, which made it difficult for me to distinguish whether there were four or five of them. They also seemed metallic and reflected a lot of light.

It took them about 10 seconds to cover a quarter of a mile. I lost sight of them when they disappeared behind the river bank.

Original news

Date: April 14 2010
Location: Boston UK/England
Time: 17:08
Summary: I was with a couple of friends. We were in my Dads inflatable dinghy near Antons Gowt, Boston, on the river Witham. I had been having trouble with the outboard motor all day so decided to moor the dinghy up so I could sort the problem out once and for all. We moored up at 17:02 according to my mobile. Less than ten minutes later I sorted the outboard out and pulled the anchor out of the water. Just as I was doing this I noticed a clump of what I thought were balloons come out from behind some trees at the side of the river just over a mile from where we were. I soon noticed however that these spheres I was seeing were too big to be balloons and were travelling quite quickly across the sky even though there was barely any wind. 
The spheres were perfectly spherical but bobbed up and down a little as they crossed over the river which made it hard for me to distinguish whether there were four or five of them. They also appeared to be metallic and reflected lots of light. It took them perhaps 10 seconds to cover a quarter of a mile. I lost sight of them once they disappeared behind the river bank.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


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