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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625223357
Added Fri, 02/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.08.2010 22:00
United Kingdom

I was returning home by car (around 22: 00) and noticed a spherical orange light moving from right to left (from south to north) high in the sky over Larkhall (Scotland), moving at a speed similar to the speed of an airplane at its approach speed and continuously moving. When the object passed from right to left, the color faded, and then disappeared. 

A few moments later, a commercial plane flew overhead, following the usual route to Glasgow Airport (Scotland). 

Given that these two were literally crossing each other, I would be surprised if the flight crew of the plane didn't see the orange light that I saw, as it would pass from left to right from their point of view. I stopped the car and talked to another driver parked outside the store. I asked him if he could see the light I had seen, and he confirmed that he had. I went back to my car and drove about 300 yards (270 m) to my house, and then stopped at the house and saw if I could see the light again. 

A few minutes later, a light appeared, again going from south to north. And again the light passed to my left (to the north), the light dimmed, then disappeared. I waited for about five minutes, scanning the sky from horizon to horizon, and suddenly I saw two orange lights, one following the other at some distance from each other, but both were moving in the same direction high in the sky, from south to north (from right to left of me). point of view), and again, when they reached me on the left (north), the lights went out, and then went out to zero. 

This attenuation convinces me that the light shone from the front of the object, and I did not see the light from behind from any of them. 

These lights made no noise that I was aware of, and the weather conditions were clear with a bright windless sky. I have no idea what I saw, but I am convinced that these were not the flying Chinese lanterns that I recently read about, and not some recognizable planes.

Original news

Date: August 7 2010
Location: Larkhall, UK/Scotland
Time: 22:00
Summary: I had been returning to my home by car (approx. 10.00pm) and spotted a spherical orange light moving from right to left (south to north) high in the sky above Larkhall (Scotland), moving at what looked like the speed of an aircraft on it’s landing approach speed and moving continuously. As the object passed from right to left the colour dimmed and then disappeared. Moments later a commercial aircraft on the normal flight path into Glasgow Airport (Scotland) passed overhead. Given that the two literally crisscrossed each other, I’d be amazed if the flight crew of the aircraft didn’t see the orange light I saw as it would have been passing left to right from their point of view. I stopped my vehicle and spoke to another car driver parked outside a shop. I asked if he could see the light I’d seen, and he confirmed he had. I returned to my car and drove about 300-yards to my home and I then stood outside my home and looked to see if I could spot the light again. Minutes later a light appeared , again going in a south to north direction. Once again the light passed to my left (northwards) the light dimmed then disappeared. I waited for about five minutes, searching the sky from horizon to horizon and suddenly I saw two orange lights, one following the other some distance apart but both going in the same direction high in the sky, south to north (right to left from my viewpoint), again as they reached the left of me (north) the lights faded then dimmed to nothing. This fading convinces me that the light was shining at the front of the object and I could see no light from the rear of any of them. These lights made no noise I was aware of and the weather conditions were clear in a bright sky with no wind. I have no idea what I saw but I’m convinced these were not these floating Chinese lanterns I’ve read about recently, nor were they any recognisable aircraft.


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