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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625230563
Added Fri, 02/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.2010 00:20
United Kingdom

I looked out of the back window of the house and first saw 3 orange lights. 

I thought they were fireworks, but it became clear to me that they were not, because they did not disappear like fireworks. Then I was pointed out to several more, in total, I think, there were six of them. They were quite bright, but of different sizes. It seemed that they remained at the same / similar level, but moved sideways. 

One was completely isolated, on the left on the other side of the houses, and the other was much larger than the others, and if you looked closely, it even looked like there were about three of them connected together. While we were watching, they disappeared from sight, so I and another one came out of the front of the house to see where they had moved to. 

When we left the house, we found that now we could only see one, quite faintly, and it seemed that he had moved even further away. The rest was not visible. At the speed at which they were moving initially, I don't think they would have had time to leave so quickly, because it took seconds to get to the front door, but nevertheless, once we got there, there was only one left. 

The background of the observers.... One middle-aged man, owns a store. One of them is 13 years old, and I am 17 years old, I am still in school and studying my A-level.

Original news

Date: January  2010
Location: Walsall England
Time: 00:20
Summary: I was looking out of the back window of the house and could initially see 3 orange lights. I thought they were fireworks but I became clear that they were not as they did not disappear as fireworks do. Then a few more were pointed out to me in total I believe there were six. They were rather bright but varied in size. They seemed to stay at the same / similar level but moved sideways. There was one that was solitary all the way over to the left on the other side of the houses and there was one that was much larger than the rest and if you looked carefully it even looked like there were about three joined together. As we were looking they moved off out of sight so I and one of the others came out of the front of the house to see where they had moved to. Upon going out of the house we found that we could now only see one, rather faintly and it seemed to have moved further away. The rest were not visible. At the speed they were initially moving I do not believe they would have had time to move off so quickly because it took seconds to get to the front door but still once we got there, there was only one left. Backgrounds of the observers….One is a middle aged man, owns a shop. One is a 13 year old girl and I am a 17 year old girl, still in school studying my A-levels.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center 


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