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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625233268
Added Fri, 02/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
05.01.2010 19:15
United Kingdom

January 5, 2010 at about 19: 15 pm. I was driving home from Dalry, Ayrshire, towards my home in Ardrossan on a country road at the time and noticed a stationary light in the sky..When I reached the turnoff to drive up to Ardrossan, the light came towards me.

At that moment, I stopped my car, and what I can only describe as a large DIAMOND-shaped ship flew silently over my car..... it's hard to determine the size, but I estimate maybe half the size of a football field...The ship was maybe 100 feet (30 m) above my car.

Something was making noise, and a big red light was burning in front of the base..and a big green light at the back of the base …I was in shock and tried to call my wife to find out what I was seeing.

My phone signal was lost when the ship flew over my car...then the car turned right and I lost it over the hill..At that moment, the signal of my mobile phone lit up again..I'm still in shock from what I just saw…

It was not an airplane, nor any other ordinary vessel! I just can't believe it. I'm just in shock.

Original news

Date: January 5 2010
Location: Scotland
Time: 19:15
Summary: 5th January 2010..appx 7.15 pm I was driving home from a town called DALRY, AYRSHIRE in SCOTLAND towards my home in ARDROSSAN on a country road during and noticed a stationary light in the sky..As I reached the turn off to drive over to Ardrossan the light moved towards me..At that point I stopped my vehicle and what I can only describe as a large DIAMOND shaped craft flew silently over my car…..difficult to guage the size..but I estimate maybe half the size of a soccer pitch…Craft was maybe 100 feet above my car..COMPLETELY silent..NO noise whatsoverand had a large red light at front of base..and a large green light at rear of base …I was in shock and tried to call my wife as to what I was seeing..My phone signal went when the crafy flew over my car…then the craft veerered to the right and I lost it behind a hill..At that point my cell phone signal came back on..I am STILL in shock as to what I have just seen…This was NO plane or any normal craft ! I have EVER seen in my life….and I just can’t believe it. I assure you this is a genuine reporting..I am just in shock
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center 


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