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UFO. United States

ID #1632127118
Added Mon, 20/09/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
21.01.1947 11:25
Экселанд, WI
United States

Has anyone reported seeing the following at approximately 11: 25 on Tuesday, January 21, 1947?

Something like a rocket took off from the horizon. It was a large fireball, leaving behind a trail of sparks and light. As it rose higher, it seemed to send a long beam of light to the ground, became long, and seemed to fly higher into the sky.

I woke my husband up as soon as I realized that it was something else, so that people could not say that I was crazy or asleep. So, although he didn't see her leave the ground, he saw her climb. When it didn't rise higher, it looked like a very large red star. When light streamed from it, it turned almost white. He was moving in a southerly direction. In the half hour that I spent watching him, he walked about one-sixteenth of the circumference of the circle.

The stars at that time were quite high above the horizon, and in less than ten minutes they seemed quite high and passed the lowest of them, which continued to rise. Two or three times during the night I got up and looked, and it was still there and looked like a star, only it was twinkling more than a star, and was redder and closer to the other two stars that I aligned it with.

Do you think it could be a spaceship?

This is the first time I've seen something go up into the sky, but four times I've seen something come down to the ground.

In 1932, in the second half of winter, something that looked like a red star quickly descended to the ground in the hills to the west of us.

In the summer of 1933, a dazzling green light flashed over our heads and landed in the swampy area to the west of us.

One summer night in 1944, a star fell on our meadow (?).

This winter, a blinding white light seemed to illuminate the marshy area to the west of us.

Funny things happen here. We hear voices that we don't understand. The dogs will sleep. Suddenly they bristle, bark, growl and retreat with their tail between their legs, and we do not see them acting in this way.

Another thing is, you never mentioned the change in the northern lights. Their ridge is much more easterly than it was. Does this mean that the magnetic center of the Earth is changing?

Eunice Finstrom,

Exeland, Wisconsin

Original news

July 1947




Did anyone report seeing the following at about 11:25 Tuesday night, January 21st, 1947?

What looked like a rocket shot up from the horizon. It was a large ball of fire and left a trail of sparks and light behind it. As it climbed higher, it would seem to send a long beam of light earthward, become long in shape, and would seem to shoot higher into the sky.

I awoke my husband as soon as I realized it was something different so that people could not say I was crazy or dreaming. So, although he did not see it leave the earth, he saw it climbing. When it was not moving higher it looked like a very large red star. It would get almost white when the light streamed from it. It traveled in a southerly direction. In the half an hour which I spent watching it it went about one-sixteenth of the circumference of a circle.

The stars at that time were quite high from the horizon and in less than ten minutes it seemed to be quite high and to have passed the lowest ones still climbing. Two or three times in the night I got up and looked and it was still there and looked just like a star, only it twinkled more than a star and was redder and nearer two other stars that I had lined it up with.

Do you think it could have been a space ship?

This is the first time I've ever seen anything go up into the sky, but four different times I've seen things come down to earth.

In 1932 in the latter part of the winter what looked to be a red star settled swiftly to the ground in the hills west of us.

In the summer of 1933 a blinding green light flashed over our heads and landed in a swampy land west of us.

One night in the summer of 1944 a star (?) seemed to fall in our meadow.

This winter a blinding white light seemed to settle in the swampy land to the west of us.

There are funny things that happen here. We hear voices which we cannot understand. The dogs will be sleeping. All at once they will bristle up, bark, growl and back away with their tail between their legs and we can see nothing for them to act that way.

Another thing, you've never mentioned the changing of the northern lights. Their crest is much farther east than it was. Does this mean the magnetic center of the earth is changing?

Eunice Finstrom,
Exeland, Wisconsin


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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