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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. India

ID #1632145890
Added Mon, 20/09/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 

Bombay, India, TIMES, October 20, 1954, p.

Meteorologists scan the sky The "FLYING SAUCERS" report from a staff reporter

"Flying saucers" have been seen so often over Bombay by many people over the past few days that this phenomenon has moved from the field of popular speculation to the field of scientific research.

The weather forecast office in Santa Cruz and the Colaba Observatory are receiving reports from those who have seen "flying saucers", and now meteorologists are scanning the sky to make their own observations.

Most people who wrote to meteorologists in response to an appeal made through the press say that this phenomenon lasted for several seconds, but there are also those who claim that it lasted from 10 to 15 minutes.

Meteorologists tend to think that some observers have mistaken meteorites, moving planes and balloons sent by the Meteorological Department for "flying saucers".


But the description of the phenomenon observed on Sunday evening distinguished it from any semblance of a meteorite. According to observers, an orange object was seen moving from north to south.

Meteorites of extraterrestrial origin, somehow involved in the gravitational field of the Earth. They move at high speed through the upper layers of the stratosphere and heat up, emitting the light of an incandescent lamp.

Sometimes they leave an unusual glow in the atmosphere for a few seconds. They are also called shooting stars, and sometimes their color is blue, white, yellow, green or red.


Original news

Bombay, India, TIMES, 20 October 1954, page

Meteorologists Scan Sky

By A Staff Reporter

"Flying saucers" have been seen over Bombay so often by many people in the past few days that the phenomenon has passed from the realm of popular speculation to scientific examination.

Reports have been pouring in at the weather forecasting office at Santa Cruz and at the Colaba Observatory from those who had seen "flying saucers," and meteorologists are now scanning the sky to make their own observation.

Most persons who have written to the meteorologists in response to an appeal made through the Press state that the phenomenon lasted a few seconds, but there are some who say that it lasted from 10 to 15 minutes.

Meteorologists are inclined to think that some observers had mistaken meteorites, moving aircraft and balloons sent up by the Meteorological Office for "flying saucers."


But the description of the phenomenon observed on Sunday evening distinguished it from any likeness of a meteorite. According to observers, an orange-coloured object had been seen moving from north to south.

Meteorites are of extra-terrestrial origin which are somehow drawn into the earth's gravitational field. They move with high velocity through the upper stratosphere and get heated to emit incandescent light.

These sometimes leave unusual glow for a few seconds in the atmosphere. They are otherwise known as shooting stars and their colour is blue, white, yellow, green or red on occasions.



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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