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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1633544490
Added Wed, 06/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.08.2000 21:00
Маттава, ON

While in the camp with a group of people, a resident of Sudbury reported that he and his cousin watched a large white ball of light float across the sky. He estimated its height at several thousand feet and said it looked about 10 times the size of the brightest star in the sky. Not a sound. It was about 21:00. Eventually he disappeared into the distance behind the treetops.

The next night there were seven or eight people left in the camp. Sitting by the fire, they looked east across the Ottawa River and saw a distant light approaching them, and then suddenly stopped. One of them, who didn't really believe in UFOs, said:

"Look at this star! Why is it moving so zigzag?"

They all moved away from the fire and looked up into the sky. The white light pulsed with different colors. He began to rise and fall, then move from side to side. He will shoot straight up and fall down again. They were amazed at what he did and watched him for almost 20 minutes before he disappeared behind a tree line, over another mountain. While they were standing and watching, the witness's grandson noticed another one that appeared out of nowhere and made a loop in the sky, and then instantly flew away in another direction.

Ten minutes later, as they were talking about what they had just seen, a third appeared in the southern sky. He wasn't high in the sky, but he was doing the same thing as the second one, dancing up and down, moving in zigzags. They watched it for almost an hour until they got tired of looking at it. When they returned to see him, they noticed that he was moving from one mountain peak to another, moving up and down, zigzagging all over his body. The light continued to recede until it almost went out. And then, all of a sudden, he came back and looked about twice as big as before. Then he disappeared when they lost sight of him. They continued to search for him, but the fog began to descend. The time was about one o'clock in the morning.

The next morning, Monday, around 9 a.m., the witness got out of his cockpit just in time to see two F-18 Hornet flying at high speed. He said they were about 10,000 feet high and heading northeast. 

It reminded him of the time when he saw a UFO in 1975, when planes flew in from the States.

Original news

Date: Saturday, August 26 and Sunday, August 27, 2000.
Location: Thirteen miles north of Mattawa, Ontario.

While at camp with a group of people, a Sudbury resident reported that he and his cousin watched as a large white ball of light floated across the sky. He estimated its height at several thousands of feet and said that it looked to be about 10 times bigger than the brightest star in the sky. There was no sound. The time was approximately 9 p.m. It eventually disappeared in the distance behind the treetops.

The next night, there were seven or eight people left at the camp. While they were sitting around the fire, they looked east over the Ottawa River and saw a distant light that was coming toward them, then suddenly stopped. One of them who wasn't much of a believer in UFOs, said: 'Look at that star! How come it's zigzagging like that?' They all stepped away from the fire and looked up in the sky. The white light was pulsating with different colours. It started to go up and down, then move from side to side. It would shoot straight up and come right down again. They were amazed by what it did and watched it for almost 20 minutes before it disappeared behind the tree line, over another mountain. As they stood there watching, the witness' grandson noticed another one which came out of nowhere and made a loop up in the sky, then took off in a flash in a different direction.

Ten minutes later, as they were talking about what they had just seen, a third one appeared in the southern sky. It wasn't high in the sky, but was doing the same thing as the second one, dancing up and down, zigzagging all over. They watched it for almost an hour before they got tired of looking at it. When they came back to see it, they noticed it had moved from one mountain top to another, moving up and down, zigzagging all over. The light kept moving further away until it almost went out. And then, all of a sudden, it came back and looked to be about twice as big as before. Then it faded away as they lost sight of it. They kept looking around for it, but the fog started to set in. The time was approximately 1 o'clock in the morning.

The next morning, Monday, at around 9 a.m., the witness came out of his cabin in time to see two F-18 Hornets as they flew by at a rapid rate. He said they were about 10,000 feet high and heading northeast. This reminded him of the time he had seen a UFO back in 1975 and jets had been scrambled from the States.



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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