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UFO. Argentina

ID #1635235310
Added Tue, 26/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Ла-Плата Buenos Aires

On August 13, 1967, Jose Miguel Lugones, a professor at the National University of La Plata, discovers a strange silhouette of a flying object, which later became the "first ghostly UFO" reported in the country. 

This led to the fact that the magazine "2001: Periodismo de Antipación" called it "The Ghost over the Aeropark" - this name does not belong to Fabio Zerpa, Luis Burgos or other ufologists. 

Lugones, who was my advisor for 30 years until his death many years ago, visited the Condor building, and was personally visited by Romualdo Moyano, head of the UFO department of the Air Force. I said UFOs, not space or unknown phenomena, as some might call it, because they were just exploring... UFO! This is evidenced by their printed materials.

Subsequently, he went to the Naval Air base of Punta Indio and contacted the lieutenant commander. Carlos Molteni and Hugo Morales, who informed him that the information would be transmitted to the central office responsible for the study of UFOs in the Naval Command. He was given to fill out a Navy questionnaire, but the negatives were never returned to him.

Hence, at that time (and earlier) Two of the three branches of the military government were investigating UFOs. This cannot be said more clearly. 

Today, a famous photograph that has traveled the whole world was painted by Patricio Barrancos (FAO, Buenos Aires).

Original news

Government Research

On August 13 1967, Jose Miguel Lugones, a professor at the National University of La Plata, detects the strange silhouette of a flying object which went on to become "The First Phantom UFO" reported in the country. This gave rise to the 2001: Periodismo de Anticipación magazine to call it "A ghost over Aeroparque", a naming that does not belong to Fabio Zerpa, Luis Burgos or any othre ufologist. Lugones, who was my advisor for 30 years until his passing years ago, went to the Condor Building and was attended in person by Romualdo Moyano, the officer-in-charge of the Air Force's UFO section. I said UFO and not space or unknown phenomena, as some may call it, because they simply researched...UFOs! As can be attested from their printed materials.
He subsequently headed to the Punta Indio Naval Air Station and contacted Lt. Cmdrs. Carlos Molteni and Hugo Morales, who informed him that the information would be submitted to the Central Office in charge of studying UFOs at the Naval Command. He was given a Navy form to fill out, but his negatives were never returned to him.
Therfore, at that time (and earlier as well), two of the three branches of the military government were investigating UFOs. This cannot be stated more clearly. Today, the famous photo that went around the world has been colorized byt Patricio Barrancos (FAO, Buenos Aires)


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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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