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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1636461458
Added Tue, 09/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.1980 19:00
река Веддер

It was the end of August or the beginning of September, a weekend in the early 80s. It was about 7 p.m. and the sun was setting as Cynthia and her family drove home from camping at a campsite on the Vedder River-westbound on the Trans-Canada Highway, about 60 km east of Vancouver, British Columbia.

A large, round, dark object moving from the right side of the car suddenly interrupted their pleasant ride. Cynthia, who was a teenager at the time and was sitting in the back seat with her brother and sister, had seen it all her life.

As the car accelerated along the highway and approached the relative position of the object, more and more details began to differ. It looked like a disk with a "shiny metallic surface... with no visible seams or divisions from the domed top to the wider bottom. The dome had square edges, but also had a very rounded appearance."

All the passengers of the car had a beautiful view of the object, except for the mother (the driver), who, of course, paid attention to the traffic and the road. As the car approached the ship, it began to approach-400 feet from the road and about 100 feet in the air (Cynthia used a wind indicator to determine the relative position of the ship -the wind indicator. was about 400 feet from the freeway). 

The vessel, measuring 30-40 feet in diameter, suddenly tilted towards the witnesses, exposing the lower part."very dark in color, it looked like very small squares, like a vent." The outer seamless surface seemed to rotate like a wheel, although the lower part did not seem to move. There was no smoke, no smell, no sound coming from the ship, and this did not affect the operation of the car engine in any way. Since the mother and aunt (both in the front of the car) were familiar with UFO encounters, they checked their watches to make sure there was no missed time. Then, as suddenly as he had bent down, he began to move away from the car in a downward direction - which seemed to be an attempt to land. 

Unfortunately, since the car was in the left lane of the road, they could not stop to see the final result of the landing, although witnesses believe that he was in a field nearby. Although there were two groups of people who did stop - the news and radio did not cover this event - and UFOBC did not receive any other reports about this observation.

UFOBC hopes to find a place of observation and learn from local residents about any consequences of the collision (if they really remember the incident) or any other sightings in the area. An attentive reader will be aware of any new information as soon as it becomes available.

Thinking further, Cynthia thought it was "a very strange place to stop (for UFOs). Was it a public spectacle? Where are they in trouble?

Cynthia was asked to tell in more detail that the upper part of the device rotates, while the lower part remains stationary. She mentioned that you can't actually see the rotational movement as there were no stitches or anything that could be tracked to feel it. Rather, the reflections on the surface of the metal were as if there were horizontal stripes, either because it was rotating, or because the metal itself was polished or formed by stripes in that direction.

It seems that 20 years after this incident, there were no harmful consequences on the witnesses. Indeed, it strengthened their belief in the UFO phenomenon, and to quote Cynthia: 

"I know what I saw -I saw a UFO!".

NB: The name of the witness has been changed for privacy reasons.


Original news

Date: August 1980
Location: Vedder River, British Columbia, Canada

Cynthia and her family were driving home from a camping trip... A large, round, dark object moving to the right hand side of the car suddenly interrupted their pleasant drive. It appeared to be a disc, with a “shiny, metallic surface…"

Drawing by UFO investigator Martin Jasek based upon witness drawings and description of
the location. (Credit: UFO*BC)

UFO as seen and drawn by witness.

Source: Richard Tortorella and Martin Jasek - September 2002 (Credit: UFO*BC)

It was a late August, or early September weekend in the early 80’s. The time was around 7 p.m. and the sun was setting as Cynthia and her family were driving home from a camping trip at the Vedder River campsite – heading westbound on the Trans-Canada highway some 60 km east of Vancouver, BC.

A large, round, dark object moving to the right hand side of the car suddenly interrupted their pleasant drive. Cynthia, who was at the time a teenager and in the back seat along with her brother and sister, had the sighting of a lifetime.

As the car sped down the freeway, and approached the relative position of the object, more details became discernable. It appeared to be a disc, with a "shiny, metallic surface … no visible seams or separation from the domed top to the wider bottom. The dome had square-like edges but also very rounded looking in appearance".

All the occupants of the car had a great view of the object, save the mother (driver) who was naturally paying attention to the traffic and the road. As the car approached the craft, the craft began to come closer – down to a distance of 400 feet from the roadside, and about 100 feet in the air (Cynthia used a windsock in order to determine the relative position of the craft – the windsock was about 400 feet from the side of the freeway). The size of the craft appeared to be 30-40 feet in diameter – and suddenly tilted up towards the witnesses, showing its underside. The bottom of the object was "very dark coloured, it looked like very small squares like a vent". The outer seamless surface appeared to be spinning like a wheel, even though the bottom appeared to be not moving. There was no smoke, smell or sound emanating from the craft, nor did it affect the car’s engine performance in any way. Since the mother and aunt (both in the front of the car) were familiar with UFO encounters, they checked their watches to ensure that there was no missing time present. Then as suddenly as it had tilted, it began to move away from the car in a downward direction – in what appeared to be an attempt at landing. Unfortunately, since the car was in the left-hand lane of the road, they were unable to stop in order to see the eventual outcome of the landing – although the witnesses believe it to be in a field nearby. Although there were 2 groups of people who did stop – the news and radio did not cover the event – and UFOBC did not receive any other reports on this sighting.

UFOBC is hoping to be able to locate the sighting area, and check with locals for any type of ramifications from the encounter (if they do indeed recollect the incident) or any other sightings in the area. The gentle reader will be kept abreast of any new information as soon as it becomes available.

Upon reflecting further, Cynthia thought that this was "a very odd place to stop (for the UFO). Was it a public display? Where they in trouble? The real freaky part was that it was going down."

Cynthia was asked to elaborate about the top of the craft appearing to be spinning and the bottom remaining stationary. She mentioned that you couldn’t actually see the spinning movement as there were no seams or anything that one could keep track of to perceive it. Rather, the reflections in the metal surface was as if there were horizontal streaks, either due to it spinning or alternatively that the metal itself was polished or streaked in that direction.

There does not appear to be any ill effects on the witnesses by the craft some 20 years after the fact. Indeed, it has strengthened their belief in the UFO phenomena and to quote Cynthia: "I know what I saw – I saw a UFO!".

NB: The name of the witness has been changed for privacy concerns.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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