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UFO. Canada

ID #1636547962
Added Wed, 10/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
озеро Уотерхен

Night watchman Kenny Lapratt said he was on duty one night a few weeks ago when he saw what he thought were spaceships hovering over the lake, which is about four hours north of Prince Albert.

"It's kind of like a frisbee, two frisbees on top of each other, like an orange in the middle," he said. "And they were spinning at an incredible speed. It was like you could see the windows turning one way and the ship, the lower part, turning the other way. And whatever was up there, it was like a glow. I do not know what it was, but it was beautiful."

Laprat said he saw several objects land on the lake and then rush towards the forest at high speed.

Then they flew up.

"I just panicked... I didn't know what to do," he said. He called the police.

Campbell has not yet seen any lights in the reserve, but many other people in the reserve have seen them and told her their stories.

One woman showed her a video showing more than three minutes of moving lights.

"It really looks sincere," she said, watching the video again. "I'm really impressed."

Some of the people watching the lights don't know what they're looking at, but Laprat said he has no doubts.

"They were UFOs," he said. "They couldn't be anything else."


Original news

Date: April 25, 2006
Location: Waterhen Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

"It's kind of like a Frisbee, two Frisbees on top of another, like an orange in the middle," he said. "And they were turning at an incredible rate. It was just like you could see the windows turning one way and the ship, the bottom part, turning the other way. And whatever way on top it was like glowing. I don't know what it was but it was beautiful." Lapratt said he saw several objects landing on the lake, then zipping away at high speed toward the treeline.

Witness sketch of objects' appearance. Sketch Copyright Kenny Lapratt, night watchman on
duty of Waterhen Lake First Nation.

Source: CBC News, Canada, May 29, 2006

Is the truth out there in northern Sask.?

Monday, May 29, 2006
CBC News

Armed with a Polaroid camera and a variety of electronic gear, Barb Campbell is on the hunt for unidentified flying objects in northern Saskatchewan.

The UFO researcher from Maidstone is focusing her search these days on the northern reserve of Waterhen Lake, where strange lights have been spotted for years and where there have recently been vivid tales of close encounters.

Night watchman Kenny Lapratt said he was on duty one night several weeks ago when he saw what he believes were spaceships hovering over the lake, which is about a four-hour drive north of Prince Albert.

"It's kind of like a Frisbee, two Frisbees on top of another, like an orange in the middle," he said.

"And they were turning at an incredible rate. It was just like you could see the windows turning one way and the ship, the bottom part, turning the other way. And whatever way on top it was like glowing. I don't know what it was but it was beautiful."

Lapratt said he saw several objects landing on the lake, then zipping away at high speed toward the treeline.

Then they shot straight up.

"I just panicked … I didn't know what to do," he said. He called the police.

Campbell hasn't seen any lights on the reserve yet, but many other people there on the reserve have seen them and have told her their stories.

One woman showed her a video showing more than three minutes of moving lights.

"This really looks genuine," she said as she watched the video again. "I'm really impressed."

Some of the people who have observed the lights don't know what they were looking at, but Lapratt said he doesn't have any doubts.

"They were UFOs," he said. "They couldn't be anything else."


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Svobodniy (GIK-2), Amurskaya Oblast' (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Start-1 Payload: EROS B


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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