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UFO. Russia

ID #1640092836
Added Tue, 21/12/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Bryanskaya oblast

On May 1, 2012, I went with friends from Zhukovka to Ludinovo to open navigation on an inflatable boat on a large lake.Since under Zhukovka, somehow violating the laws, all the lakes have become private if you want to sit and relax, pay 200 rubles, and if you catch fish, then all 500 rubles!!!

At first, the road did not portend anything alarming, the sun was shining merrily, the birds were chirping, everything was setting up for a fun weekend.Only the broken road caused alarm every year it was destroyed more and more and the authorities don't care how people move around soon is unknown??

They made a turn to Matrenovka, a village during the war where fascist policemen burned all the inhabitants alive for helping the Russian partisans.After the war, the village was revived, but now it is empty and lifeless again.....

Further to the borders of Dyatkovsky and Zhukovsky district, we stopped at a small forest lake, on a road that locals nicknamed "the road of life" - if you drove and stayed to live on a pothole-covered concrete, then you were lucky!!We passed the destroyed and half-dead villages of Batkino and Seltso.

We went on an excursion to Ivota and photographed an ancient ruined temple and a water tower. We stopped at the monument to military pilots. We passed the turn from Dyatkovo to Ludinovo, then again the road became like a bombing range all in craters, and it is characteristic only on the territory of Bryanshina.

And just before the obelisk of changing regions, I got into a big hole. I couldn't go around it because of oncoming trucks. As a result, the stamped disc bent, the wheel deflated, when I put the spare tire, it turned out that the car would not start...I climbed under the hood and look at the timing gear there is no-I jumped off from the impact. I began to search, but the roadsides are swampy, I found nothing. I hitched a ride and reached the picturesque lake with the tavern Three minnows.There the summoned tugboat from Zhukovka began to wait, simultaneously exploring the surroundings of the lake with his hunting dog Pirate.

The village of Krynki was completely extinct, and there were still locals in Yelovka. By 20 o'clock the tug arrived and we slowly drove back..

After passing the village of Sakovo, where the children of the mountains sawed the Russian forest and drove through the dark forest. I accidentally got distracted from the control of the towed car and looked to the right, to my surprise, three lights in the form of a triangle were moving over the forest in the west, over the Vetma River or further, it does not look like an airplane, all the lights are the same color and not green, white, red.. After that, the two lights merged merged into one, which became brighter, and the third began to sit down and went out of sight...

My friends stopped the tug and also looked at the remaining lonely light resembling a star, I took a photo, but it came out not clear against the background of the lights of the Miratorg farms under construction.. Now I remember that last year the whole of Zhukovka saw a glowing ball that also flew out from the west because of the Darkness, where one of the UFOs landed on May 1, and swept over the city...


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