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Angel Hair. Italy

ID #1495810648
Added Fri, 26/05/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
27.10.1954 15:27
стадион Комунале (нынешний Артемио Франки)

October 27, 1954, about 10 thousand tifosi came to the stadium Comunale (today Stadio Artemio Franchi), where Fiorentina played against neighbors from Pistoiese. Bernardini in the first half, put up a strong squad with a number of players - Cervato, Magnini, Cappello, Gratton, Virgili and Swedish star Gunnar Gren, and then given a chance to Express themselves young people (including Ernesto Vidal, world Cup winner with Uruguay in 1950 and goalkeeper Giuliano Sarti, who will be a key player in the all-conquering inter of the 60's). However, shortly after the break when Fiorentina was leading with the score 6:2 in the sky came a loud sounds, clouds of smoke, and the participants stopped watching the unrest in the stands...
In the skies over the arena, in the presence of thousands of people (among them was the editor of the Tuscan newspaper La Nazione), soared more than 20 unidentified flying objects. They were divided into three categories - the first one had wings "like eagles", the second resembled the shape of a tear, while others looked like classic "discs" UFOs. The object glowed brightly in the sky, performing acrobatic maneuvers and speed moved from the Northwest to the Southeast. Hearing the panic in the stands and noticed that the team stopped playing, and the players are slack-jawed, the referee stopped the match. After the "alien visit" to the stadium - and all Florence slowly fell sticky, gelatinous fibers, known as "angel hair". They fell to the ground and quickly evaporated.

"It was 15:27, when they appeared over the stadium, one by one, recalled Capella. - Flew not too fast, and then hovered over the centre of the field." Romulus Clouds, the captain of the Pistoiese said that he saw "something like a ring in height, at a distance," and then the "cloud of fog". His teammate, Ronaldo Lomi "heard a loud Bang," after which it all stopped.

The appearance of a UFO in Florence was part of a broad wave of evidence about the appearance of aliens throughout Europe in 1954. It remains one of the most famous events of its kind in Italy. Many have tried to assess the monitoring and rationally explained the appearance of substance "angel hair" all you want - emissions from military aircraft to traces left by migrating spiders, but never found a satisfactory answer.
No matter what the people saw in the sky on that autumn day, it obviously went to Fiorentina only good. Under the leadership of Bernardini team in the next season took the first ever scudetto, winning the title with a lead of 12 points from Milan, with his superswede Lidholm and Nordalem. The Violets set a record by issuing their unbeaten run to 33 matches, which was interrupted only in the last round - Squadra viola lost to Genoa, already securing the League title. This record has since been beaten only twice - Milan Fabio Capello in 1991/92 and last season's champion Juventus.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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