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Aquatic creatures. United Kingdom

ID #1654601986
Added Tue, 07/06/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

A huge 48-foot sea monster with a human head that once washed up on a British beach was discovered by two boys searching for sunken ships.

It is reported that a green-eyed beast with a hard shell instead of a back was discovered in Porthleven, Cornwall, after a severe storm on September 14, 1786, Cornwall Live reports.

The old weekly newspaper Hereford Journal described the incredible find in October of the same year, when a local resident reported that the villagers had brutally killed a huge creature.

The article titled "Sea Monster" reads:

"This monster was first discovered by two boys who went in search of sunken ships shortly after dawn; and when they were standing on a cliff overlooking a small sandy cove, they found something like a huge skeleton near the shore, and soon they decided that it was the side or part of the ship that had been broken into pieces last night.

They headed to this place with an optimistic expectation of great success, and when they approached the place, they were both struck with extreme horror, seeing such movements as something alive. Terrified, the boys ran up to a group of men they knew and told them what they had witnessed.

The men didn't believe them at first, but eventually decided to follow them and see the monster with their own eyes. A large number of people soon gathered in a detachment and decided to go armed, some with large sticks and pokers, others with axes, spits, etc., which after some reflection was carried out," the article reports.

Approaching this place, they saw something alive in it, and it raised its head, which they had not noticed before, and seemed to direct its way towards them.

Everyone was alarmed — you can't see his legs, but he seems to be crawling on his belly, from time to time lifting his body a little from the sand. There were different opinions about this creature; some said it was a mermaid, others a whale, but most, not believing in the existence of the former and adhering to the improbability of the latter, were all equally lost.

When it was decided to examine what it was, everyone went to him, and after an hour of beating, he died with a groan.

It was found that its length from the top to the end of the tail is 48 feet, and its circumference in the largest part of the body is 24 and a half feet. His head was large and prickly at the back and in shape was not much different from a human head; his eyes were greenish; big mouth; his nose is flat, and from the neck to the navel is most similar to a human; his back was hard and harder to penetrate than the shell of a turtle; he had two short front legs shaped like a monkey's paw, and the hind parts were a full seven feet wide and only five feet long."

It is unknown what was done with the creature's body and whether anyone studied it. Dozens of people over the years have claimed to have seen a 20-foot snake-like creature, dark-skinned, with humps on its back and a long neck, gliding across the sea.

Strange sightings in the waters off the coast of Cornwall have led people to wonder if plesiosaurs, giant marine reptiles that lived at the same time as dinosaurs and were considered extinct 65 million years ago, could still be alive.

Original news

A huge, 48ft sea monster with a human-like head that had once washed up on a UK beach was discovered by two boys hunting for shipwrecks.

The green-eyed beast, with a hard shell for a back, was reported to have been discovered in Porthleven, Cornwall, following a violent storm on September 14, 1786, Cornwall Live reports.

Old weekly newspaper the Hereford Journal catalogued the incredible find in October of the same year, with a local man revealing that villagers savagely killed the enormous creature.

Called ‘Sea Monster’, the article reads: “This monster was first discovered by two boys who went in search of wrecks soon after day break; and as they stood on the cliff which commanded a prospect of a small sandy cove, they discovered something of enormous hulk near the shore, and which after a short time they apprehended to be the side or part of a ship which had the preceding night been broken to pieces.

“They went towards the place with sanguine expectation of great success, and as they approached the spot, they were both struck with the utmost consternation to perceive such motions as it was something which had life.”

Terrified, the boys ran towards a group of men they knew and told them what they had witnessed.

The men did not believe them at first, but eventually decided to follow them and see the monster for themselves.

“A great number of people soon collected themselves into a body, and determined to go armed, some with large sticks and pokers, others with hatchets, spits, etc, which was, after some deliberation, carried into execution,” the article reports.

“On their coming near the spot they perceived it to be something living and it raised its head, which had not before been perceived, and appeared to direct its course towards them.

“All were alarmed – they could see no legs to it, but it appeared to crawl on its belly, raising its body at times a little from the sand.

“Various were the opinions about this creature; some said it was a mermaid, others a whale – but the greater number disbelieving the existence of the former, and adhering to the improbability of the latter, they were all equally at a loss.

“When it was agreed to examine what it was, they all went towards it, and after an hour’s beating, stabbing it, etc, it expired with a groan.

“Its length was found to be from the top of its head to the end of its tail, 48 feet, and its circumference in the largest part of the body 24 feet and a half.

“Its head was large, and prickly in the hinder part, and not formed much unlike that of a man; its eyes were greenish; its mouth large; its nose flat, and from its neck to the navel, resembling nearest to the human kind; its back was hard and more difficult to penetrate than the shell of a turtle; it had two short fore feet, formed like the paw of a monkey, and its hinder parts shaped measured full seven feet in width at the extent, and but five feet long.”

It is not known what was done with the body of the creature, or if anyone studied it.

Dozens of people over the years have claimed to have seen a 20ft long snake-like creature, dark skinned with humps on its back and a long neck, slithering its way through the sea.

The strange sightings in the waters off the coast of Cornwall have made people question whether plesiosaurs, giant marine reptiles which lived at the same time as dinosaurs and thought to have died out 65 million years ago, could still be alive.


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