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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1666817433
Added Wed, 26/10/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Саутчерч Драйв
United Kingdom

A resident of Nottinghamshire describes the moment when he froze in place, watching the flight of unidentified flying objects that "did not belong to this world."

Jerry Woodcock, a retired fishing tackle shop owner, claims to have seen a "miraculous" extraterrestrial object on a summer afternoon about four years ago.

"What I saw was a large orange ball the size of two airliners, followed by two more gray objects. He flew in from the west and headed east," the 89-year-old man said.

"It was unreal," Gerry told Nottinghamshire Live. "The clouds were at an average height, and it was right above them. It was absolutely round, there was no noise, it was just moving. It was not of this world."

Jerry, who spotted them as he was returning to his home on Southchurch Drive around 5:30 p.m. after a full day of fishing, said the objects moved slowly for about two minutes before firing synchronously. Now he hopes that his account will attract more people.

"I saw something that probably no one else has seen," Mr. Woodcock added. "I looked up and thought: "Oh my God," it was wonderful. I was rooted to the ground, I just looked at them. You can't talk about it because people think you're stupid. I mentioned this to a friend and he said: "Are you kidding?". "This, without a doubt, proves that they [the aliens] are there, people think it's a pile of garbage, but it's not. They're definitely there."

His son, Tony Woodcock, said the sight drove his father crazy.

"What he saw was unusual and he can't let it go," the 44-year-old said. "From time to time he will mention it, he has been watching documentaries about UFOs since he saw it. He realized that there was a UFO there.

I believe him, I believe that there are objects about which we do not know what they are. I believe in them, and my dad wouldn't lie about something like that. About this. When you see something like that, it's hard to keep it to yourself."

Original news

A Nottinghamshire man describes the moment he was frozen on the spot as he watched a flight of unidentified flying objects that “were not of this world”.

Gerry Woodcock, a retired fish tackle shop owner, claims he saw the "marvellous" extra-terrestrial object on a summer afternoon around four years ago.

"What I saw was a big orange ball, about as big as two airliners, followed by two more grey objects. It came from the west and went towards the east," the 89-year-old said.

"It was unreal," Gerry told Nottinghamshire Live. "The clouds were at a medium height and it was just above them. It was absolutely round, there was no noise just moving. They were not of this world."

Gerry, who spotted them when returning to his house in Southchurch Drive at around 5.30pm after a day of fishing, said the objects were moving slowly for about two minutes before shooting off in synchronicity. He is now hoping his account will lead to more people coming forward.

"I have seen something that probably no-one else has seen," added Mr Woodcock. "I looked up and thought 'oh my god' it was marvellous. I was rooted to the ground, I just watched them.

"You can't talk about it because people think you're stupid, I mentioned it to a friend and they said 'you're joking'.

"It proves without doubt that they [aliens] are out there, people think it's a load of rubbish but it's not. They are definitely there."

His son, Tony Woodcock, said the sighting had been driving his dad mad.

"It was an unusual thing that he saw and he can't let it go," said the 44-year-old. "Every so often he'll mention it, he watches UFO documentaries since he saw that. He realised that there are UFOs out there.

"I believe him, I believe that there are objects that we don't know what they are. I do believe in them and my dad wouldn't lie about something like that. He's still all there, he just wants someone to talk to about it. When you see something like that it's hard to keep it to yourself."


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-2-1a Payload: Progress-MS 21 (№451 ?)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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