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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1668932608
Added Sun, 20/11/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
RAF Lakenheath
United Kingdom

The next incident, very similar to the collective events in Randlesham Forest, occurred in the early 1990s at another military base in Suffolk, England. This time it was RAF Lakenheath. According to the website about the database:

"The Royal Air Force Lakenheath is a military base of the Royal Air Force, which is operated by the US Air Force. Exclusively American troops are stationed here. It is located in Suffolk, in the eastern part of the United Kingdom…

This installation is a joint base operated by the Americans in accordance with British rules and laws… It was activated locally in 1952 and represents one of the longest-running installations in the world. The Air Force, which has served in the area for almost 60 years. The wing has almost 8000 individuals. About 2,000 of them are British civilians and family members, and almost 6,000 are active military personnel."

The original source of this story was a UFO researcher named Roy Wilkinson. In the late 1990s, he shared it with Matthew Williams. The latter was for a number of years a criminal investigator at Her Majesty's Customs and Excise Agency. Today it is called HM Revenue and Customs. Williams told me that late one night, during the military operations in the Suffolk woods, something very strange happened.

Appeal to Williams:

"A report came in that on one particular night, the participants in the maneuvers should expect to see something being tested in this area; and when they passed the tests, they had to ignore it: pretend that it was not there and wear it as usual."

Quite understandable, as Williams says:

"It was a little difficult for them to do it, because when this thing appeared, it was actually a ball of light. [Italics mine] and was too small to be controlled, so they thought it must be some kind of remote drone. But it was pure light, no mechanics, no rockets, no noise, which makes me think it wasn't a drone. And this thing moved silently over the area where they were on maneuvers — outside the base and in the woods."

Indeed, as noted

"Lakenheath is located in the Forest Heath area of Suffolk County in East Anglia, England." Back to Williams: "Then the light intensified and lit up the whole area like a flash. Everyone stopped what they were doing and just violated their orders. They watched this creature for about a minute, and then it shrank in size and sped away at high speed. Everyone was talking about it, and, indeed, it made them nervous to some extent.

Then all the evening events were canceled because everything was in such a mess. If the military experimented with things that could be perceived as UFOs, i.e. with balls of light, then — because they knew that the event was going to happen - they would have to store these UFOs somewhere nearby."

Original news

The following incident, which is extremely similar to the collective Rendlesham Forest events, occurred in the early 1990s at yet another military base in Suffolk, England. On this occasion it was RAF Lakenheath. As state of the base: “Royal Air Force Lakenheath is a Royal Air Force military base that is run and operated by the U.S. Air Force. It exclusively hosts American troops. It is located in Suffolk, in the eastern part of the United Kingdom…The installation is a co-base run by the Americans under the British regulations and laws…It was activated on site in 1952 and represents one of the longest lasting units in the Air Force, serving in the area for almost 60 years. The wing counts almost 8000 individuals. About 2000 of them are British civilians and family members, while almost 6000 are active military troops.” The original source of the story was a UFO researcher named Roy Wilkinson. He shared it, in the late-1990s, with Matthew Williams. The latter is someone who, for a number of years, was a Criminal Investigator with Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise agency. Today, it is called HM Revenue and Customs. Williams told me that it was late one night, during the course of military operations in Suffolk woods, when something very strange happened. Over to Williams: “A report came through that on one particular night those on maneuvers should expect to see something being tested in the area; and when the testing was taking place, they were to ignore it: pretend it’s not there and carry as normal. [Italics mine].”

Quite understandably, as Williams says: “They found this a bit hard to do, because when this thing came along, it was actually a ball of light [Italics mine] and was too small to be manned – so it had to be a remote drone of some kind, they thought. But, it was pure light, no mechanics, no rockets, no noise, which makes me think it wasn’t a drone. And this thing moved silently above the area where they were on maneuvers – off the base and in the woods.” Indeed, as note: “Lakenheath is located in Forest Heath District of Suffolk County in East Anglia, England.” Back to Williams: “Then, the light increased in intensity and illuminated the whole area like a flare would. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and just broke their orders. They watched this thing for a minute or so, and then it diminished in size and went off at a high speed into the distance. Everyone was talking about this and, really, it unnerved them to a certain degree. The whole evening’s events were then called off, because everything was in such a state of disarray. If the military experimented with things which could be perceived to be UFOs, i.e., balls of light, then – because of their knowledge that the event was going to happen – they would have to have those UFOs stored somewhere near.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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