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Aquatic creatures. Argentina

ID #1680088092
Added Wed, 29/03/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
озеро Науэль-Уапи
Río Negro

According to the residents of Bariloche, the legend of the "Nauelito" originated with indigenous peoples who believed that this creature lived in Lake Nahuel-Huapi. 

However, this theory became relevant in 1910, when George Garrett, a man who sailed, said that the "animal" had a length of 5 to 7 meters and towered about 2 meters above the water. 

To this was added the story of Martin Sheffield, a gold hunter from the USA, who claimed to have seen large footprints on the shore of the lake. 

This led to a hunt for this creature in 1922, which was led by famous hunters from all over the country. Despite their efforts, which had an international resonance, they did not find him.

Original news

Nahuel Huapi. However, the theory gained relevance in 1910 when George Garret, a man sailing the waters, said that the "animal" measured between 5 and 7 meters long and stood some 2 meters over the water. Added to this was the account of Martin Sheffield, a U.S. gold hunter who claimed seeing large footprints on the shores of the lake. This resulted in a 1922 hunt for the creature, led by renowned hunters from all over the country. Despite their efforts, which had international repercussions, they did not find it.

  [Translation (c) 2023 INEXPLICATA with thanks to Eduardo Grosso]


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