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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Singapore

ID #1508404249
Added Thu, 19/10/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
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In Singapore there was a strange traffic accident, which would be hard to believe, if it is not recorded camera is a dash camera.

In the video below you can clearly see how at the intersection of the white car trying to turn right, while the track on the left side of the machine is completely empty, why the driver, only slightly slowing down, begins with a simple maneuver on the road.

Suddenly... there is some mystical car, cutting the road of the turning car, creating an emergency situation, resulting in not very scary, but still an accident.

Unfortunately, the video does not show how events unfolded. It looks like the car Ghost, flying from "nowhere" and rammed the front bumper of the unfolding of the car just fled the scene of the accident. Perhaps he also suddenly disappeared as it had appeared, but all this has not got in sight of the dash camera.

But very shocking video soon spread all over the Internet. And hundreds of thousands of users of the world wide web now puzzled scratching his head: what is it?

The car that created the accident, appeared clearly from hyperspace portal, agrees the majority of users. Look, it wasn't anywhere near this intersection, she literally "emerged" from another dimension, swept like a whirlwind and seems to be immediately "went home".

Maybe it's a Ghost-car, inquire other users? The video is not particularly noticeable, what damage it has caused to the white car, most likely, no, and she somehow unnatural, "jumped", avoiding collisions, and in the next moment, indeed, as if vanished into thin air.

Car, note, white, say the skeptics, she could Shine, and thereby to lock the camera is a dash camera, hence not visible to the left of the flying machine. However, it is unclear why it was not noticed by the driver deploys a car? Maybe I was drunk?..

Whatever it was, and such strange cars appearing on the roads as if out of thin air, is not an isolated phenomenon and is not new – on the Internet you can find not one such video. Another thing is that each of them still sensation. For such cases to literally overturn the established view of our physical world...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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