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Image processing

Added Tue, 10/01/2017

Many of the facts collected in our Archive, based on the photographs and the images on these unidentified objects. Often the objects themselves do not exist, and their appearance in the image caused by reflections of light sources in the lens of the camera or reflections of lighted objects in glass (e.g. window) through which the picture is taken.

As it turns out, the presence of the photographs reflected from glass images is considered as a negative effect and manufacturers of the cameras themselves. And recently was presented an image processing algorithmthat allows such reflections to get rid of. The algorithm is illustrated in the video below.

It is seen that the algorithm allows to almost completely clear the picture of unnecessary reflections. It is hoped that after the completion of the algorithm it will be built into the software of modern photo and video cameras, and equipped with cameras of mobile devices. And this, in turn, should eventually reduce the number of "false" facts in which people are mistaken for UFOs the reflection of the chandelier in the window.

Another example of technology development demonstrated Adobe, a manufacturer known to all of the Photoshop editor. At one of the presentations that showed that their software allows you to completely remove "extra" objects from photos.

This technology is still at an early stage of development but already impressive. However, here comes more of household applications, for example for tourists. However, for our purposes, it may be interesting: for example, by using such algorithm it is possible to remove from the picture the swaying trees covering an overview of the object of interest.

Maybe someone has more examples of similar technologies that we should adopt? Or thoughts about the practical. those that I have cited? I will be glad to review.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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