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Comet Ikeya - Seki (C/1965 S1)

Comet Ikeya - Seki (C/1965 S1)

Long-period comet, which independently of each other discovered the Japanese observers Kaoru of Ikeya and Tsutomu Seki. Was first observed on September 18, 1965 as a faint telescopic object. The first calculations of its orbit showed that on October 21 it will be held at a distance of only about 450 thousand km above the surface of the Sun and may become extremely bright.
Expectations were met: when the comet approached perihelion, observers reported that it was clearly visible in the daytime sky near the Sun. In Japan the comet passed perihelion at noon local time and had a magnitude -17m, that is 60 times brighter than the full moon. Comet Ikeya - Seki was one of the brightest comets in the last Millennium, and therefore it is sometimes called "the Great comet of 1965".
Shortly before the perihelion passage the comet broke up into three parts. Three fragments continued to move in almost identical orbits, and the comet was again visible in the morning sky in late October, showing a very bright tail. In early 1966, the comet ceased to be observed as were directed into the outer part of the Solar system.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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