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The Soviet Union sent into space dog Ginny and Pearl

The Soviet Union sent into space dog Ginny and Pearl

Ginny and Pearl (also known as Ginny and alpha, as well as the Comet and the Joke) was launched from the spaceport 22 December 1960 on the ship "Vostok 1K № 6".Ginny was flying on geophysical rockets under the name snowflake and Pearl in 1959. Shortly after the start, due to the destruction of the gas generator of the third stage of the launch vehicle, pulled to the side of the course. It was clear that in space it will not work. At the altitude of 214 km emergency Department lander, which landed in the Evenkia in the area of the river Podkamennaya Tunguska (in the area of fall of the famous Tunguska meteorite). In the area of the fall immediately flew a group of scientists. Because of the difficulties of finding and extremely low air temperature, the lander was examined only on December 25. To the surprise of rescuers, Ginny and Jewel were alive, although the rest of living creatures being dogs, were killed. Later They took a specialist in aviation medicine — academician Oleg Gazenko, and she had been with him for about 12 years. Based on these events in 1985 was filmed feature film "alien Ship" with the participation of famous actors of the Soviet cinema.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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