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Ghost. United States

ID #1477431521
Added Wed, 26/10/2016
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Уэстборо, MA
United States

American urban researcher John Carothers from Massachusetts has never denied the existence of the supernatural, but only recently, he was the first to encounter something inexplicable and even to capture it on video. Dvadtsatipyatiletnih man is convinced that a single study of the former state hospital in Westborough, he recorded on a mobile phone luminous eyes belonging to the guest from the other world.

In the words of Carothers, he is engaged in industrial tourism here for over ten years. American from time to time, visiting abandoned factories, warehouses, homes, shelters and tunnels, making it to satisfy your research interest and get aesthetic pleasure.

Not long ago, John went to the abandoned hospital where he made a short video. On lasting a little less than a minute of recording visible empty corridors and crumbling walls of the former hospital. According to urban researcher, he did not see anything unusual. However, after returning home and checking for the sake of curiosity obtained the video, he noticed in the dark corridors of one of the two bright light, similar to the human eye.

Carothers, writes:

You may think that it is two holes in the wall of which are visible to the street. But really, I can assure you that it is not so. It was a long and dark corridor without any hint of sunlight. And artificial lighting in this building, of course, be just could not. The hospital was closed in 2010.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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