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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. Belarus

ID #1477644034
Added Fri, 28/10/2016
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The description of the facts from the letter of an eyewitness:

I left Minsk in 20-20. or 20-40 ( last two flights). The bus stops in red and in berezyne. Berezyne is halfway to Mogilev. In Byalynichy he never stops and he rushes from Berezino to Mogilev without stopping. Passed Berezino and go further. Yet everything is as usual. Pulled away from Berezino apparently so midway way up ahead on the horizon, notice how the glow of blue light. I thought at first that this is some sort of a village so covered. Decided to navigate where is it. BUT the bus is dark and the clock can not see anything. Then I decided to look at the kilometer posts. But and as luck would have it I did see a single one. A glow, like the horizon line, we are all going and going, and it's all on the horizon. Time has passed feels so fifteen minutes, and the glow just a little bit closer. Then I decided that it was close to Mogilev, or even on the outskirts of Mogilev. That's the first riddle. The bus was rushing at a speed of 90-100 km per hour. In 15-20 minutes it will be about 25-30 km, So at this distance no glow you cannot see. !!! If the storm is at 25 km distance, no flash of lightning nor thunder will not watch. I don't understand what it really is. High , where you can still detect some Shine from thunderstorms so around 10 km 10 miles on the Icarus, we'd be down for 5-6 minutes. And feel I would probably discern that. And then about 15-20 minutes!!! Anyway, I was wondering about glow: first, its unusual flavor (it is similar to the light from the mercury lamp, i.e., with the blue, then it was shining in half the sky that I never saw. Okay I think, go further.

Now pulled up closer and I realized that it was somewhere close in front of Mogilev. And then to the right of our road offers an unusual look. Fog in the hollow. This fog is a strange building. Two storey under a gable roof, and on the second floor of a small window in the middle. From the end adjacent the semicircular extension. I thought that's what the technical building. And even before the hollow perpendicular to our driveway is adjacent to a neat paved road two-lane traffic (in each direction by one row). Markings on the road there. At the sides of the road to the left and right are trotuarchiki. The sidewalks poles with a height of three meter and street lamp. A pole with lights, similar to the Trident. where is the lamp at the edges. And they burn with a yellow light. And go away the road with the lamps. The form of lighting as a spindle, that is elongated balloon in a vertical direction up and down. I understand that this is something that should be pushed by the neighbor and ask him : what is this road like this. And he answer me : "where??" Of course, the bus moving at warp speed, and that Sonya and more silly questions will come up sets. Internally I povozmuschalis, the more that approached this mysterious blue light.

So we drove up to the lit object. It turned out that this is so is illuminated by street. The lights are positioned on the 10 metre poles and two fixtures, but they are inclined on the metal pipes. On each side are one-story houses and in the Windows of the burning is also fluorescent with a blue tint light. And only on the left side of the fourth (and maybe fifth) building is illuminated by regular yellow light. And why then at me it produced an extraordinary impression: I am here waiting. And pinch a breast. I like watching at home. And reason with myself: I can wait if I have a family, and I live in a high-rise apartment. I have upon arrival to go in the house?. We go further and I argue, I do not understand I in the future, could not appear a whole street overnight. And why is it on the left side of the road? I have the plot on the right side, with the Institute of physics. However, he does not built up. We drove up to the intersection, it is adjacent to the street Byalynitskogo Birulya that Obl goes to the hospital. Interestingly I think if you get out and go on this street, but there's still just a collective farm field. And I think that it is a pity that not all survived. But as I strained to understand who has not lived, I do not clarified. Similarly, I could not understand what sort of room or environment, or at least looks like the entrance when I drove by that house where I was waiting. And Then I notice that the intersection is a traffic light with an extra section for the arrow. I even said aloud that for the light set. But the traffic lights were not working and we passed the intersection without stopping. And I think to myself, if this is the future That will look like the field in front of the regional hospital? Look, and there is nothing interesting, as were the shrubs beds with local miners, and stand. On the left side of the road I notice that on the wall of the transformer substation (a parallelepiped with a length of approximately 10 meters and 4x4 from the end) written by spray paint MOGILEV. I thought how could the authorities to make a nameplate. But then I was attracted to the front of the fence, on which was painted a soccer ball and what is written there, I previously thought it would be SPARTACUS CHAMPION. And when he reached a fence, it turned out that there is not two words but one and it is not Russian. And on the next slab painted head ( oval eyes and two horns curved inwards) trait and trace the inscription RAVE. Overall for me it was a complete surprise. And street Minsk highway on which we drove was well, very brightly lit with a blue tint. I still shook his head, thinking what else I see, but nothing but crumbling plaster on the nine did not notice. Oncoming cars had a conventional layout of letters and numbers on the room type 1234 MGN.Well, I think. Now and the tank is near the pharmacy, we'll pass a little forward, there is a bridge, and square. But then I was horrified to see that the bus goes straight on and takes a little more to the right and moves along the new road on the unfinished new bridge!!!. The first thing I thought is I think the Minsk drivers made a mistake and well if you have time to slow down. There is not yet enough span and maybe more over the railroad tracks. I grabbed the railing and waiting for what will happen next. And then we MOVED on the new bridge, the bus stopped in the square. The people came out as if nothing had happened. I decided that I would go to the end, to the bus station so thought that perhaps in the whole Mogilev has gone all wrong, so I go to the bus station away from sin. So I did. And in my head thought, what if the house is already everything is turned upside down, where am I going and what will happen to me? Quickly to the bus stop, on the bus home.

Also, the witness in the letter says that as of the current date most of what he saw came true:

In 1993 I got a plot for construction of houses. And now the question is, how could I talk about the plot in 1985?? How could I think that not all will survive? [...] Okay, I would have considered all these quirks of imagination, if not for the fact that it all started to come true. The fact that the bridge was constructed, another six months or more, it goes without saying. Its more then long felt, and it didn't move. All this it goes without saying. Then he began to build a new neighborhood, increased traffic, and left turn from the secondary is very bad to do. So I built a traffic light and it's like I saw him It was in 2011. Instead of an empty field, now there is a neighborhood companion. Yes built two houses, one penthouse, and the second high-rise building. Yes there was a fence and on that fence was the inscription (finally I read it and family shown) :LIVERPOOL and further a soccer ball. RAVE turned out this is the musical direction. In the next block there is the entrance , which is recognized as the winner for the exemplary manner and the walls painted in the same style as the fence. Really then on the stove to the left of the football yet there was graffiti with palm trees, the ocean and other quirks. And since this is the road, where maybe the President can pass all this fence was quickly removed. And at that place paved the gas pipe. The inscription MOGILEV in the transformer substation is still there. Not long ago the plaster came off at the top of the nine-storey building. I had not hoped for this.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from

  • Site: () Vehicle: Shuttle Payload: Discovery F6 (STS-27, STS-51-I) Leasat 4 (Syncom-4 4) [TU-882] Aussat A1 [PAM-D] ASC 1 [PAM-D]


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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