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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. United Kingdom

ID #1477652302
Added Fri, 28/10/2016
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
паб "Белый лев"
United Kingdom

Surveillance camera in the local pub "White lion" captured the smoky translucent figure, coming down the stairs. A moment before in the barroom rang the alarm, although no sign of a break subsequently was found.

According to the bar owner, a mysterious figure similar to the hooded man. She's only a few seconds materialized near the women's bathroom on the second floor and seemed to start to go down the stairs, and then simply vanished into thin air.

It was a normal Friday morning. In "the White lion" were his mistress and part of barwomen Kate Stanojevska, cleaner Darry Tubbs, as well as a dozen visitors. Suddenly rang the alarm, announcing the breaking of Windows or break the door. Surprised, Kate asked Darry to go and see if everything's okay, going to call the police. The janitor walked both floors of the pub, but saw no broken glass, no broken locks. Then they, along with the owner of the drinking establishments reviewed records from surveillance cameras and was surprised to find a ghostly guest, who, it can be concluded that provoked the alarm.

Stanojevska says:

You can't even imagine how we were surprised. On the record clearly visible figure, similar to the hooded man. We Darry immediately looked at each other, thinking about the same thing. We got a Ghost! For some reason I remembered the first pub owner James Rogers. I never met because he died over fifty years ago, but I had some subconscious feeling that it's his spirit.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Objects and light sources out of focus

When the objects are out of focus, their silhouettes blurred and poorly recognizable. They can look like dark or colored translucent stain. This is often the cobwebs, spiders, insects in front of the camera.


Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Kauai Test Facility (KTF) (Pacific Missile Range Facility), Barking Sands, Kauai (USA) Vehicle: Super-Strypi Payload: HiakaSat (HawaiiSat 1) Supernova-Beta (TechSat 1) STACEM Argus (SLU 02) EDSN 1 EDSN 2 EDSN 3 EDSN 4 EDSN 5 EDSN 6 EDSN 7 EDSN 8 PrintSat


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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