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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Russia

ID #1488699334
Added Sun, 05/03/2017
Author Artie

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Набережные Челны
Tatarstan, Respublika

Naberezhnye Chelny family is ready to leave the apartment because of the Ghost. Mysterious photo managed to make 8-year-old girl with the camera on my mobile phone. By a strange coincidence, all the other images disappeared. To explain the inexplicable attempted Konstantin Velichko.

Saniya Latfullin living in this apartment for 7 years and all these years she had noticed oddities: the items in the house have fallen the dog at night, barking for no reason. But the woman did not pay attention to it. Until suddenly, a couple of days ago, I did not see in your phone weird pictures.

Konstantin Velichko, correspondent:

“This photograph was taken on 21 may 2013 and just recently the owner of the phone on which was imprinted an image similar to the girl drew attention to it. The Ghost appeared from this wall. During shooting it was not visible, it became noticeable only in pictures".

Saniya Latfullin:

“Those who could play a trick. And it is that the joke? This is the same man on the light post! Scary in this apartment now live! Now they go to Moscow and I do here will not come to live.”

Now she lives with her daughter and 8-year-old granddaughter Arina, which, as it turned out, and took these shots. Girl loves to take pictures on the phone everything. And in may, during repairs in the apartment, she captured something strange. But as it turned out, Arina not just randomly shot the void.

Arina Tukaeva:

“I'm around the house walking, then I saw something white was slightly. Then taking pictures, taking pictures, and it happened. If I said to grandma with your mom, then they would not believe. Here, I took a picture”.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Studio effects for your

There are a number of programs for processing photos and video that put the final image from the list to remove phone photo or video. For the selected image you can adjust the size and location of the facility, in some programs you can change the contrast, color, transparency and other simple settings. Video and photos obtained by such programmes are often not only used for entertainment, but not rare issue for paldino survey of unexplained phenomena.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Among the database images one of the programs studios for mounting a series of "Ghost Capture" (a free program from the series "Ghost Capture" for Android) was found the image of this "Ghost."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Studio effects for your

There are a number of programs for processing photos and video that put the final image from the list to remove phone photo or video. For the selected image you can adjust the size and location of the facility, in some programs you can change the contrast, color, transparency and other simple settings. Video and photos obtained by such programmes are often not only used for entertainment, but not rare issue for paldino survey of unexplained phenomena.

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