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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1496216754
Added Wed, 31/05/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Хайленд, IL
United States

For two decades related to the study of UFOs, David Marler, Director of MUFON, Illinois has never been faced with such a case as the one that occurred early on the morning of 5 January 2000, when a huge UFO, the trajectory of which took place only two miles from US air force base Scott, followed up on several police officers.

First noticed the unusual object in the sky Melvern knoll, owner of indoor playgrounds for mini-Golf, located in the town of highland, which is about 40 miles from St. Louis. In the offseason Noll in his truck engaged in the delivery of goods at any time of the day or night.

Wednesday 5 January at around 4 o'clock in the morning, returning home after another trip, he decided to check out your mini-Golf. Parked the truck at the back door of the building and out of the car, he noticed a "bright star" in the northeast, but did not pay her any attention. Only later, on the way back he saw her again and, this time, stopped and looked up.

"Bright star" was moving in his direction and after a few minutes, Noll realized that white light was only part of a large rectangular object, consisting of several floors, with rows of bright rectangular Windows and lots of dim red lights on the bottom.

In five minutes, while the object continued to move North-East to South-West, at an altitude of about 150 meters, knoll did not hear any sound. He for some time was seen "Windows" in the stern of the object and passing through the faces glowing lights.

Noll quickly drove his truck into a metro police Department. He was sure nobody would believe him, but still asked the policeman on duty to contact colleagues from a neighboring town who could confirm his observations.

The duty was a sensible person, he listened to the knoll and contacted the police Department the city of Lebanon. Police officer ed Barton received the call around 4:10 a.m. and was skeptical. However, when he was assured that this is not a joke, he went to the Northern part of the city on Madison street. About midway in the North-Eastern part of the sky he saw sparkling white lights that were so bright and shiny that it seemed to him that they radiated rays of light.

"I see a very bright white light East of town. The object seems to be moving from East of SUMMERFIELD. He constantly changes color. I'll go and take a look. It's not like the aircraft. It's not the moon and not a star, ' said ed Barton on duty from highland. - Can you contact the air base, "Scott" and ask if they have anyone in the area?"

Ed decided to go a little faster, he turned left on East highway 50, climbed the hill and saw an object that looked like a long cigar-shaped UFO was moving towards the nearby town.

The officer stopped his car on the side of the road, turned off all the lights in the car and even the radio, trying to hear any sound from the object. But nothing heard. When the UFO approached closer, it turned out that it was a massive narrow triangle, the length of which was more than 20 meters, width about 10 meters. At each corner of the triangle glowed bright lights, and in the center, closer to the base, flashing red light.

At the moment when the UFO was already 30 metres away, Barton contacted with the Central office and reported his location and observed a UFO. The object lit by white lights and colorful glowing stripes that was moving very slowly, suddenly increased speed and headed towards the settlement of Shiloh, located 12 km to the southwest.

"If the Shiloh officer would look up, he will be able to see him right now."

"I see something, but I don't know what the hell it is..." the observation of the mysterious object adopted David Martin, a police officer from Shiloh. In his testimony, the UFO had the shape of a wide triangle or arrow with red and green lights on the stern. Police slowly follow an object, but as soon as I stopped on the side of the road and got out of the car, he increased the speed and disappeared in a westerly direction.

The duty officer Craig Stevens from a neighboring town in millstadt, hearing the talk on the radio, went to the Eastern part of the city. At 4:29 am Stevens contacted his Manager: "I also see this object. It's huge" and added that the UFO has a V-shaped form and is removed slowly in a North-westerly direction. On the left and right sides of the object, and in the center back of the burning white lights, and on the bottom one red. It seemed that the rear of the UFO was slightly recessed.

A police officer from the village Depaw, approximately five minutes after message to Craig Stevens, who watched a lot of lights that was moving at high altitude in the North-East. The officer said that he would not have noticed them if I hadn't heard about them on the radio. He watched the object through binoculars but could only see a jumble of lights: white lights on the ends and red lights in the middle. Because of the great distance and height he could not determine the size or shape.

In the analysis of this incident immediately catches the eye are the considerable differences in the description of the object. Noll says about the large rectangular object, and fifteen minutes later, officer Barton reports a slender triangle. Other cops see a wide triangle. In addition to differences in shape, there are also radical differences in the configuration of the illumination of the object.

Perhaps this is because, from what point of view, the witnesses watched a UFO. Some of them stood on the spot, others were driving, and officer Burton looked at the object from different distances and angles.

Maybe that night in the sky was several different objects? This could explain the different descriptions. However, it should be borne in mind that the terrain in this area is quite flat and on a clear night, what was the night of January 5, it was seen as the palm. And if the sky was multiple objects with so many bright lights, witnesses have seen them.

In addition, at the time of the message from the police coincided with a flight of only one object, which was moving from city to city. However, there is a third possible explanation of the UFO during the flight could change its shape. And although this is one of the most questionable ideas, but an overview of the UFO Chronicles presents a number of cases in which the object could change its shape.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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