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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. India

ID #1499409097
Added Fri, 07/07/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
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In the city of Mumbai in Western India was a mysterious event. On a busy railway station, Ghatkopar unknown woman quietly walked to the edge of the passenger platform and jumped under an approaching train. Scary, but, in General, a common way to settle scores with life.

Of course, this is a terrible spectacle in itself, but what is even more surprising and frightening: an alleged suicide just vanished into thin air. Who was on the platform of the people expected to see after the train will depart from platform, a bloody mess on the rails, but there was no corpse, no living person – nothing!

Bystanders and Internet users, where we got the following video from the station cameras, have different theories of what happened. Some believe that the mysterious Indian is a real Ghost or mythical spirit. Others believe that she simply teleported or walked through a train and left the train.

Still others suggest that the woman jumped or ran across the railroad, or she fell between the rails and end up unharmed. However, for this it would have to disappear from the scene with lightning speed, and the recording is noticeable that this lady no longer young, and she was dressed in an uncomfortable running apparel saree. After all those present immediately ran to the edge of the platform, but no one down below saw.

Local railway officials have concluded that the mysterious woman left unharmed, but as it is not their business. The police investigated, but not found on the railroad tracks not a drop of blood. However, if it really was a visitor from another world or parallel world, as sure many frequenters of the Internet, there are no traces of it to leave and should not.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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