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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1499503825
Added Sat, 08/07/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Анкоридж, AK
United States

Residents of the city of anchorage, located in the southern part of Alaska, March 14, 2017 watched several UFO transformers. Father and daughter went for an evening walk with my dog in the direction of Goose lake, which is located North of Anchorage University, and went out on a large forest glade, and saw among the trees a strange light.

"My daughter said, "Dad, look at the light in the trees." I looked North and saw three white balls in the shape of a triangle, which rose above the tree line. After a few seconds they turned West and turned into a thin bright white object, like a long fluorescent light bulb, only much brighter", - the head of the family opened his eyes wide in surprise and noticed that the UFO changed shape and became like a cube with triangles on the top and bottom faces.

Shocked witnesses stood on this spot for a few more minutes and decided to return home.

"After about 50 meters I suggested to his daughter: "let's Go". She agreed and said that if we see something, it will record this on your IPhone" - the man shined a flashlight through the trees, around the same meadow, and from the same place slowly climbed three more of the ball.

The girl immediately took out his IPhone to record the UFO on video, but her phone with a fully charged 60% battery and suddenly passed out. Further, according to the witnesses, the events developed at the same scenario. Like last time, the balls turned into one long bright strip, and then, in dark silhouette in the shape of an elongated diamond, which went in a westerly direction.

On returning home she discovered that her phone was working properly, and charge its battery showed 62%. Not being able to provide other evidence, family members sent to the national center NUFORC UFO picture, where he painted the incident in detail.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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