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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1499718988
Added Mon, 10/07/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
река Паскагула
United States

When two Americans, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker told the world that in 1973 while fishing on the Pascagoula river in Mississippi, they were abducted by aliens, few believed them. And now, after 28 years, it was found that not only they were participants in the strange events that occurred that night on October 11.

A naval officer retired recently contacted the publisher of "The Mississippi Press" and said that could never be forgotten. Mike Cataldo from the town of Rotonda West reported that the day worked in the team for the commissioning of the submarine "USS Tunney" shipyard "Ingalls", located on the banks of the river Pascagoula.

There came a twilight when he and his mates Ted Peralta and Mack Hanna were back on the highway 90 in ocean springs. Ted was driving the car, Mac was sitting on the front passenger seat, and Mike got in the back seat.

"We saw on the horizon a very strange object that was moving at great speed from the North-West and crossed highway 90. He then went down to a swampy forest area and hovered over the tree line. We even drove off the road. I remember how we kept saying "Oh my God, what is it?" - said Mike.

"This UFO looked like a large tambourine with small flashing lights - continued Cataldo, We watched him for about a minute, and then he just disappeared."

Back home, too excited Mike told his wife about what happened. The next morning he made a report to the captain of their submarine, and then contacted the base of the U.S. air force "Keesler" in Biloxi and left his phone number.

"My captain and crew members thought we were just crazy bastards,' said Mike. – We never saw the object. It was a very strange thing, and it was scary."

Mike Cataldo retired from the Navy 19 years ago. The last time he was in Jackson County in 1974 and claims to have never met or spoken to neither Hickson nor Parker.

Recall that the 28-year-old Charles Hickson and 19-year-old Calvin Parker told the police that he was on Board the brightly lit oval space ship, where there were three pale, spooky four-foot creatures with crab-like claws and curved legs.

"They were like robots, I couldn't see their eyes, they had no signs of breathing and is mouth was a straight slit. Me they looked at me, and I felt that they know everything about me," about the abduction, Hickson wrote a book, has repeatedly met with scientists and organized seminars on contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence.

Charles, who is now 70 years old, never changed his testimony about what occurred on the Pascagoula river, even under hypnosis. He's still sure that other people have seen the spacecraft, but not all dare to talk about it.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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