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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Argentina

ID #1499945483
Added Thu, 13/07/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

21 October 1963, half past nine in the evening, and 72-year-old rancher Antonio Moreno, along with her 63-year-old wife Teresa went to bed early. Of course, they are not very happy when a young impressionable employee pulled them from the realm of sleep: the guy most likely was upset about some trifle, who calmly waited until tomorrow.

— Senor Moreno! Senor Moreno, Wake up! Antonio Moreno has rolled over and blinked, to eyes accustomed to the darkness. Finally, he heard the bedroom door a familiar figure of his assistant, who had worked on a ranch for wages.

— What is it? muttered Moreno. — What happened?

— On the Railways, it seems, the accident, — said the young man. The layout of the house Moreno, railway lines and the surrounding area

— Accident? — asked the Senora Moreno, draping a Bathrobe over a nightgown. But I'm a very light sleeper, and railroad only some half a kilometer. I certainly would have heard the noise, if there really was an accident.

— But on the ways lit a strange light and the workers there do something, — the man insisted. — You can see for yourself: look out the bedroom window — the light even from up here.

Spouses Moreno did — and were very surprised to see a blinding light over the group of people who seemed to be examined by the railroad tracks. — What a bright light! — exclaimed the Senora Moreno, squinting, as if looking at electric spark.

Antonio, what are they doing these people?

Is something strange — frowned Moreno. — Why would anyone want the night to inspect rails?

Rancho Moreno was in Argentina, in córdoba province. The area was not so isolated from the outside world to the brigade of railwaymen needed after a day of work to repair paths.

That light is moving! — shouted a young assistant. — He moved on rails at least five meters.

— Don't shout! Moreno puts his finger to his lips. — Sister of señora Moreno and her children asleep in the next room. Don't Wake them with trifles of this kind. Rather, it is a spotlight on some train platform.

— I'm curious, ' said the Senora Moreno and took the flashlight that always lay near her bed.

— Going for a walk and also see what these people do.

Moreno was outraged, but then shrugged if his wife planned to do anything, arguing with her is useless. Senora didn't have far to go. At the sound of the closing of the gate are people on the track at once drew attention to the farmhouse. And in the next moment the object similar to a plate of about seven meters in diameter, began to dive at señor Moreno. Scared woman screaming rushed to the ranch, and all the Pets watched in horror as a glowing disc hovered over the treetops and sent to the house a bright beam of light. Señora Moreno gasped in surprise and fear, and when the beam penetrated the window and stopped her, she felt a tingling throughout the body. Someone from the children of her sister woke up, screaming when the beam slid across his body.

— We were attacked by monsters from outer space! — shouted a young worker.

— Help my sister hide the children in a place where this light will not get interrupted señora Moreno. — We need to sit quietly.

Glancing out the window, Antonio Moreno was very scared: towards a plate that was fired at his house with her strange rays of light slid another four sites. However, all new drives, only one took part in an attack his ranch — three were left hanging in the air, not flying closer than 500 meters. They were all similar: about seven meters in diameter, with a border at the edges of the square are brightly lit openings, like Windows. Besieged hid behind the sofa and chairs away from Windows. Whenever someone from children or adults started to move, a tingling beam of light was rapidly covered him with his spot.

— What do these things want from us? — asked Moreno to yourself. — Why are we needed? And that these men in shiny suits doing on the railway?

Señora Moreno has managed once again to look out the window and saw that one of the disks produced a reddish-violet beam, and the other way and continued to throw the rays of white light.

"The house has turned into a real oven," later the wife will tell Moreno to the Argentine magazine "Claim". They are trying to make us leave the house! — hysterically cried the sister señores Moreno.

— They want to erase us out like animals!

— They will not work! We will not move! resolutely cut off her señora Moreno.

Within 40 minutes of the besieged house stood firm under the temperature and pressure of the mysterious plates. Finally a young employee noticed that "people" on the Railways began to climb the drive that was highlighted during their inspection rounds. After a few seconds the horrible rays of light disappeared and plates that surrounded the house began to slowly drift away. When he left, the three guard dogs Moreno became worried and began to howl, bark and growl.

— And where these dogs were before? wondered Moreno. And why are they silent like a fish?

When reporters came to Moreno to interview, all members of the family still has not recovered. They told reporters that "after the disappearance of these strange aircraft over the trees a few minutes hung some kind of thick smoke, like a fog that smelt like sulfur." The correspondent of the magazine "Clark" informed readers that even four days after this event in the Moreno house still smelled of sulfur. In the October editions of "the Tribune" (Rio de Janeiro) and "La Nasion" (Buenos Aires) published a detailed report on 60 minutes of terror that survived Moreno. Although the story of soaring in the air plates which, in turn, sent caustic poisonous rays of light, looked more like fantastic fiction than reality, history Moreno remained without evidence of other witnesses. Senor Francisco Tropeano told the correspondent of news Agency "France-Press" that at ten o'clock in the evening, he was just a mile from the ranch Moreno and saw the sky flying one after the other six plates. Although Tropeano learned about the history of the ranch most recently from the Newspapers that he shared their observations with friends and neighbors.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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