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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. Russia

ID #1507539295
Added Mon, 09/10/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Voronezhskaya oblast

"My disappeared husband was a great lover of fishing, — told rural teacher I. I. Orlov of the Voronezh region. — I emphasize that he was perfectly healthy, physically strong. Knew how to swim. He had his own boat and a large set of fishing gear.

One Sunday morning he left home before the dawn began to break. He loved fishing in the morning dawn, when the fish are biting particularly well. The husband did not return from fishing. Concerned and a little alarmed, I went about noon to the river. I knew of places on its coast, a favorite of my husband. Quickly enough I managed to find his boat. She was stretched out nose on a sandy shore. All fishing tackle was laid out in it so that you could tell the husband didn't even started to fish. It really surprised me. I began to shout loudly, to call my husband. But he did not respond. Terribly frightened, I rushed to find, I ran a lot on the river, fumbled there in the bushes.

Came a scary thought: maybe he drowned?! But how could it happen, if he was a great swimmer. It ended up that I addressed in militia. They decided that my husband, apparently, still drowned. Find his body in the river came to nothing. Looking for a long time with the help of hooks. Our river is relatively wide, but very shallow, with low flow. People looking for hooks the body of a drowned man, not really surprised that they never found him. According to them, they simply had to find the body, if it was somewhere on the river bottom.

Where in this case, it happened to my husband, you ask? Speculated. I don't understand".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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