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Ghost. United States

ID #1521362084
Added Sun, 18/03/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Монтгомери, AL
United States

Ryan Dalton, a resident of the North American city of Montgomery, Alabama, shot his little daughter Maya, who suddenly frightened, seeing in the living room, something invisible to normal eyes.


37-year-old Ryan often makes games and jokes his daughters and exposes their videos on Twitter. On the morning of 12 March 2018 he was recorded as a two-year Mayan indulged during Breakfast, holding a piece of toast with peanut butter.

Something to the left caught her attention and she looked that way. At first she was smiling, and then jumped back in his car seat and pointing at the empty living room, said, "Terrible."

Ryan said, "Terrible?" The girl repeated, pointing to the void: "Dad, terrible." Then you can hear Ryan said, "Well, I'm scared too, but there's nothing there..."

After the publication of the video had been viewed over 5 million times. Twitter users bombarded Ryan with questions about why he did not turn the camera if the girl saw the Ghost, to which he replied: "There was nothing visible for me. I was going to make some kind of paranormal stuff, I just wanted to show Maya".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A dad has said it is time for him and his family to move house after his two-year-old daughter saw something " spooky ".

Ryan Dalton was filming his young daughter Maya eating breakfast when she suddenly became frightened after spotting something in the family kitchen

In the clip she can be seen licking the spread from her slice of bread while strapped into her high chair in Montgomery, Alabama.

But then something catches her attention to her left and after initially smiling, she recoils into her chair, points to the empty space and says "spooky".

Ryan asks: "Spooky?"

And she repeats herself again while pointing to the space and says: "Dada, spooky."

Ryan can then be heard saying: "Well that's spooky to me too - there's nothing even over there..."

Uploading the clip to his Twitter page, The 37-year-old wrote: "Maya was just being silly, eating some peanut butter bread, and then she suddenly pointed and said, 'That's spooky.' Time to move."

Since posting the video on Saturday it has been viewed more than 5 million times and has had over a million likes and thousands of retweets.

After being asked about the video online Ryan said while he did not move the camera "because there was nothing there", he did look himself.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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