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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1522762787
Added Tue, 03/04/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
12.11.1991 21:30
United Kingdom

This photo was taken in the city Grangemouth in November 1991.


Amazing UFO photo-taken from an article titled "UFOs in Scotland" by Malcolm Robinson © SPI (research on strange phenomena), England.

"UFO evidence is one thing, but when you get evidence backed up by a pretty impressive UFO photo, it's another thing. We at SPI have received an amazing UFO photo unlike anything we've ever seen.

It was November 12, 1991, around 9: 30 p.m., when friends Phil Travis (formerly known as Peter Muir, a pseudonym used in previous SPI reports) and Paul Penman (a pseudonym) went to photograph for a project called Light and dark. . The following is Phil Travis ' written testimony given to SPI.

"A friend and I were photographing the BP chemical plant in Grangemouth (from Polmont reservoir) when we noticed a dim, or rather two dim, flashing lights at the two 'flashing pylons' on the Kincardine bridge. We watched as the object, which we thought was a helicopter, slowly flew from the bridge to the brightly lit Grangemouth stadium. We watched it hang for about five minutes. It was then that we noticed that the "ship" was not making any noise. Normally, if it was a helicopter, we would hear the blades. Then he turned and looked in our direction.

"It was about 2,000 feet above the ground, then descended and dramatically increased in speed. In the picture, it was at an altitude of 200 to 300 feet directly above us. It was then that we heard a slight "pulsing hum" of the object. At the time, my friend and I were very shocked, but then I had an overwhelming feeling of excitement."

SPI conducted a routine investigation to try to sort out the incident. We have established that there were no aircraft in this part of Central Scotland that night. Letters to the British Petroleum plant in Grangemouth asking if they had small light aircraft or light lungs working on their complex that night (while on pipe inspection duty) returned stating that no such light aircraft or micro-lights were flying over the plant that night. (The BP plant at Grangemouth is located in controlled airspace; only special permission can be given to fly around this explosive complex.)

In fact, this object was so close that Phil Travis had to lean back to take a picture, and so you're actually looking at the underside of the object-concave, with lots of bright flashing lights thrown out into the dark night sky, which creates a sort of halo effect. 

The object matches what was seen above and around the small town of Bonnybridge in Stirlingshire, in Central Scotland; the town of Bonnybridge still has UFO sightings, but not as many as those that peaked between 1992 and 1994."

Original news

Grangemouth Electric UFO Photo

Amazing UFO Photograph – taken from an article called “UFOs In Scotland” from Malcolm Robinson © SPI (Strange Phenomena Investigations) England.

“UFO testimony is one thing, but when you receive testimony backed up with a quite spectacular UFO photograph, well that’s another matter. We at SPI received quite an amazing UFO photograph which was unlike anything we have ever seen before.

It was on 12th November 1991, at around 9.30pm, that friends Phil Trevis (previously known as Peter Muir, a pseudonym used in previous SPI accounts) and Paul Penman (pseudonym) were out taking photographs for a project called ‘Light and Dark’. The following is the written testimony by Phil Trevis, as given to SPI.

“My friend and I were taking photographs of the BP chemicals plant in Grangemouth (from Polmont Reservoir) when we noticed a dim, or rather, two small dim flashing lights over by the two ‘flashing pylons’ at Kincardine Bridge. We watched the object, which we thought was a helicopter, fly slowly over from the bridge to above the brightly lit Grangemouth Stadium. We watched it hover for around five minutes. It was then that we noticed that the ‘craft’ wasn’t making any noise. Normally, if it was a helicopter, we would have heard the blades. It then turned around and faced our direction.

“It was roughly 2,000 feet above the ground, then it dipped and increased dramatically in speed. At the point of the photograph, it was about 200 to 300 feet directly above us. It was then that we heard the light ‘pulsing hum’ of the object. My friend and I were quite shaken at the time, but afterwards had an overwhelming sense of excitement.”

SPI conducted the usual lines of investigative enquiry to try and get to the bottom of this incident. We ascertained that there was no aircraft activity in that part of central Scotland that night. Letters to the British Petroleum plant at Grangemouth, asking them if they had any small light aircraft or microlights in operation above their complex that night (on pipe inspection duty) came back stating that no such light aircraft or micro-lights were flying above the plant that night. (The BP plant at Grangemouth is in controlled airspace; only special authorization can be given for overflights of this highly explosive complex.)

Indeed such was the closeness of this object that Phil Trevis had to bend over backwards to take his photograph, and so what you are actually looking at is the underside of the object – concave, with numerous bright flashing lights being thrown out into the dark night sky, which creates a sort of halo effect. The object is consistent with what was being sighted above and around the small town of Bonnybridge in Stirlingshire, central Scotland; the town of Bonnybridge is still experiencing UFO sightings, but not as many as those which peaked between the years of 1992 to 1994.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Defects in old photos

There are a number of defects specific to film images. They are connected with the peculiarities of the film and principle photo.

The film in essence is a strip of transparent synthetic plastic, supported on her a photosensitive layer of chemical substances that can alter its transparency or properties under the action of light.


Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Tsiklon-3 Payload: Kosmos 2165 (Strela-3 #73) Kosmos 2166 (Strela-3 #74) Kosmos 2167 (Strela-3 #75) Kosmos 2168 (Strela-3 #76) Kosmos 2169 (Strela-3 #77) Kosmos 2170 (Strela-3 #78)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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