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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1524929257
Added Sat, 28/04/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

From an eyewitness:

"In the evening of Friday, March 19,***, and I left Albion (Holloway), about eight. Then there was no one star, but when we were in the village of Highbury, And*** drew my attention to what was like a slowly rising balloon. It was in the West, a little South.

As he slowly moved West, its intense brilliance convinced me that it was not earthly matter.

When it seemed that over Hampstead (so high in the heavens, like the Sun at six o'clock in the longest days), it was like an intensely radiant cloud: this cloud slowly swam and we didn't take her eyes off of him. At this time shone the stars.

When we were on the gravel path in front of the terrace, Highbury, the cloud was higher in the heavens and more to the West. He cast the bright light on the houses, the brighter the moonlight, and was not like any light source I've ever seen.

He seemed to be a blue tint on the bricks, but the cloud was not blue light.

Suddenly, the shining cloud above another cloud, even more brilliant, but now I felt so shocked that I could not accurately say how long they hung over each other before was the most wonderful sight. Perhaps they remained so for two or three minutes, when from the upper cloud into the lower cloud dropped a small ball of fire (about the size of the largest planet visible to the naked eye) and instantly absorbed.

Soon after another ball dropped from the upper to the lower cloud, and then on the balloon, apparently, in four or five times larger than the previous two, fell from one cloud to another.

Shortly thereafter, both clouds disappeared, apparently they were swallowed up by the heavens, although I saw a few particles of brilliant clouds rushing about a minute. Soon the moon appeared, considerably North of the place where the hanging clouds. Then we saw a bright light in heaven, which, as I said, was the zodiacal light, which lasted more than an hour."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

“On the evening of Friday, March 19, “A” and I left Albion road, [Holloway], about halfpast eight. Not any stars were then visible, but when we were in Highbury place, “A” called my attention to what we thought a fire-balloon ascending slowly. It was in the west, a little inclining to the south. As it passed on slowly to the west, its intense brilliance convinced me that it was not an earthly thing. “When it appeared to be over Hampstead (but as high in the heavens as the sun is at six o’clock in the evening when the days are longest) it shot forth several fiery coruscations, and whilst we were gazing at it broke into an intensely radiant cloud: this cloud sailed on slowly, and we never took our eyes off it. At this time the stars were shining. When we were in the gravel path opposite to Highbury terrace, the cloud was higher in the heavens and more to the west. It cast a most brilliant light on the houses there, brighter than moonlight, and unlike any light I ever saw. It appeared of a blue tint on the bricks, but there was no blue light in the cloud itself. “Suddenly, over the radiant cloud appeared another cloud still more brilliant, but I now felt so awe-struck, that I cannot say precisely how long they hung one over the other before the most wonderful sight happened. Perhaps they remained so for two or three minutes, when from the upper cloud a small fiery ball (about the size that the largest planets appear to the naked eye) dropped into the lower cloud, and was instantly absorbed. Soon after, another similar ball dropped from the upper to the lower cloud and then a ball apparently four or five times the size of the two preceding, fell from one cloud to the other. “Shortly after this both clouds disappeared, apparently absorbed in the heavens, though I did see a few particles of the brilliant clouds floating about for a minute or so. Presently the moon appeared, considerably to the northward of the place where the clouds had hung. We then saw the bright light across the heavens, which you told me, was zodiacal light, which lasted for more than an hour.”


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