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Ghost. Ukraine

ID #1524993599
Added Sun, 29/04/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Says Konstantin Gorbenko from the Donetsk region:

— I — 37. I am not an alcoholic and not a drug addict. What happened with me — not hallucinations and not dreams. In 1983 our family moved to the apartment in which we live today.

Looking ahead, I will say that after the wild incident, my mother asked our neighbors at home and found out an unpleasant thing. We, unfortunately, did not know anything about her when entering the apartment. If I knew about it in advance, would not be moved from the old apartment here. And it turned out in conversations with neighbors the next.

In the apartment lived a young couple, and the woman was very beautiful. The husband constantly was jealous of her. And then one day he brutally beat the beauty for alleged infidelity. Disfigured her face. The next morning young beauty — or rather, now ex-beauty — made poison and poured it into a glass of tea. And then raised the deadly drink to her husband. He drank "tea" and died on the spot. In the course of the investigation the prosecution clearly established method of fingerprinting: it is a wife poisoned her husband, and not himself poisoned.

Sending hubby to the light, ex-beauty took a coil of electrical wire, put the wire to the hook on which hung the chandelier, and the wire was hung up.

It happened less than a month until the moment when my mother a warrant was issued for the moving into this apartment.

— After a couple of days after my mother moved here, — continues the story of Konstantin Gorbenko, — I suddenly woke up in the night. Woke me up female voice, whether nepewassi something unintelligible, or simply zavyvantsi. I opened my eyes... and was stunned!!! You see, hangs from the ceiling a woman in a nightgown hanging on the wire, tightened the loop around her throat. The face is bluish. She squirms frantically in the air and trying to push the fingers of both hands under the loop, sdevushkoy neck. But she can't do it. Suddenly her hands dropped down, and she was the last time twitching all over, at once went limp and somehow unnaturally stretched.

And then, — says Konstantin — started the worst. Hanged woman opened her mouth and sang. I again heard the same howling, vaguely similar to the song that woke me. The woman suddenly opened his eyes, slightly bowed his head, point-blank looked at me. Her body began to sway... the amplitude of the oscillations grew wider. Her bare leg touched my face. His toes began to stir, and to my complete and utter horror, the big and index toes suddenly grabbed my nose, holding it firmly. The body hung suspended in the air obliquely.

On top of it held the noose on the neck of the wire draped over a hook in the ceiling. And below... below was my nose that this is his toes. I roared as good mate: "mA-MA-a-a!.." And at the same moment the vision disappeared. I take the word "vision" in quotes because very clearly felt a strong pain in the nose when it is squeezed the fingers of your feet as a pin.

The cry Constantine came running from the next room aroused his mother. And also, in turn, screamed. Because they saw — the whole bed of the son covered with blood. The blood was bright red, so to speak — to-date; she has not had time to coagulate. Mother rushed to his beloved child and began to touch, to explore his body. Where is the bleeding? To his great surprise she found on the body Bone not a single scratch. From the nose the blood was not, even though hanging aunt treated the nose more than disrespectful. The source of the blood was never installed.

— The next day, late in the evening, — says Konstantin Gorbenko, — I was lying on the same bed for lack of another bed, as you know, was afraid to sleep. I was tormented by the question: will there in front of me and this night too, that whining bitch with a noose around his neck or not appear?

I remember I closed his eyes thinking about it. Open a few minutes later eyes and — Oh! Standing in front of me a woman in a broad white cloak, similar to the wedding dress. Instead of the head — something like an oval haze; no.

I hear a female voice: "You called for me?". I don't know why, say, "I want to live." And the lady in the white clothes melted into air. And I felt kind of heavy. Unknown what pushed me to bed so much that the bed began to creak.

For weeks after these horrific events I felt surprisingly bad. Actually I am a very healthy person. Tormented by a feeling of weakness all over the body, strange weakness, aches in the ruts and elbows. Plagued by headaches.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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