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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. China

ID #1525761053
Added Tue, 08/05/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.05.2018 15:00
Циндао (провинция Шаньдун)

On may 6, approximately 3 hours a day over the sea near the Chinese city of Qingdao (Shandong province) there was a mysterious way, similar to the cluster of tall buildings. "Ghost metropolis" was seen by witnesses around 2 hours, and then without a trace, vanished into thin air. Witnessing such an unusual and even frightening picture of hundreds of local residents. Naturally, many of them caught the supposed Mirage pictures and videos.

Such "ephemeral city" notice in China relatively often. According to experts, all the fault of the local smog, whose particles bend the sun's rays. Under certain conditions, distorted light able, say, to carry over distances of several kilometers the contours of various large objects up to entire residential areas. In China, where the environmental situation today is very sad, this can happen quite often.

But this, however, only one of the theories. Someone thinks that actually all the fault of the portal to a parallel world or a clash of two realities. According to other users on the Network, we are talking about invisible futuristic city, who accidentally dropped the camouflage. Finally, there are people who claim that we Kronoberg mysterious phenomenon of supernatural origin, allowing to observe the images and events from the past or the future.

By the way, these "heavenly city" people see in many other parts of the globe, where, incidentally, there is no smog and other "realistic assumptions" for these "mirages". For example, the villagers Dadali in Nigeria three years ago, I watched a huge city floating in the sky, and it was so realistic that it was possible to consider various details, for example, houses, trees, cars, and even hear the usual city noise. Another thing is that Ghost proud in the skies over China appear with alarming frequency, as if the touch of our reality from parallel worlds is most thin. Or is it still chronometrage, which are known to be clearly linked to a particular location?..

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Optical phenomenon in which the air in the result of the refraction of light rays in addition to items in their true position, see their virtual images in the direct, inverted or severely distorted.

Distinguish mirages:

  • lower
  • top
  • side

Inferior Mirage occurs when a large vertical temperature gradient (drop it with the height) over a superheated flat surface, often desert or paved road. Usually this "puddle" on asphalte or sand.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Appearance typical of a Mirage. This often happens in this area.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation


Optical phenomenon in which the air in the result of the refraction of light rays in addition to items in their true position, see their virtual images in the direct, inverted or severely distorted.

Distinguish mirages:

  • lower
  • top
  • side

Inferior Mirage occurs when a large vertical temperature gradient (drop it with the height) over a superheated flat surface, often desert or paved road. Usually this "puddle" on asphalte or sand.

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