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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Russia

ID #1527605985
Added Tue, 29/05/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Novosibirskaya oblast

Information from the eyewitness:

"On the night of 3 August 4, 1979 we, i.e. me and my husband were on the route Novosibirsk-Ordynsk, we went out of town (South-West), told Dorofeeva Natalia from Novosibirsk. — It was pouring rain. About midnight the rain began to subside and stopped. The sky was unusually beautiful. It was usually beautiful, but I, a city resident, moreover, rarely looking at the sky, it seemed perfect: on the almost black sky background bright and were clearly visible to all stars. Suddenly across the sky flew the star and fell, leaving a luminous trail, which disappeared rapidly, my husband told me that it flew by comet. I saw a shooting comet for the first time.

How much time has passed, I don't know, but it was very late, not long ago passed no car, it was very quiet. At this time we were on the road before reaching the village. Verkh-Tula two kilometers, maybe a little closer or farther. We decided to go off the road into the plantation, to build a fire, warm up and eat. My husband went to see where we should get off the track.

A few minutes passed, maybe 5-10, I was alone, it was quiet, very quiet. I stood and stared at the sky, just because everything was dark. It all happened suddenly. Suddenly, as if to close the Chapter and open.

Between the stars on the black background of the sky lit up a big bright "star", she was very high, but below the stars, unlike the stars (easy star seems to be a round ball, which was flattened). The color of it was milky bluish, very bright, resembling the color of a little welding, this star emits light as the rain, a halo of light, scattering down, and it seemed to me that it in the body of the stars, something moving, like a star's breathing. A few seconds of "the star" stood still. I stood and watched unblinking, straining his eyes, in my opinion, not even breathing. Then "star" slowly went up, up. Stopped.

I was afraid that her husband might not see, and cried. He shouted to me from afar: "What, what happened!" I could not explain, but only shouted: "look, Look!" He: "Where to look?" — then I shouted: "run Here, quickly, quickly." He replied: "see, See," and ran up to me.

We stood by and watched as "star" slowly at first and then faster and faster he went North and disappeared, leaving only a light spot, which began to slowly dissipate until it disappeared almost completely.

And Yes, my eyesight is -2, at which point I got glasses, I can't remember, but when the "star" was beginning to leave, I had glasses, though I wear them rarely. When everything was gone, my husband said, "have you noticed that there were two bodies, one a little higher and a little away from the other and that the closer they converge, then disperse". I didn't see it, but maybe that's why it seemed to me that the "star" is breathing and has a form.

How much time we all saw it, don't know, maybe 2-3 minutes, and maybe all 10, I can't say for sure, but then we stood on the road, went down into the trees, lit the fire — it was the third hour of the night. Our conversation was about what he saw, he and I had some kind of ecstatic state, we are interrupting each other, exchanged impressions.

I purposely do not call we had seen a UFO, although I know this term and know what it means. I can't categorically say that this "flying saucer", but I know for sure that neither the satellite that I had seen before, nor plane, nor for anything else that I've seen before, it does not seem.

I lectured Ajagi and Siegel and, to be honest, the description of the experience, which leaves a "UFO", like the impression left is our "star"" (Archive "Grid-an").

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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