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UFO. Russia

ID #1527606300
Added Tue, 29/05/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
аэродроме «Липецк-2»
Lipetskaya oblast

In 1990, Lieutenant Colonel Volodymyr Lytvyn, can be said to have been in contact with UFOs. The meeting took place in the area of the Center of combat application of the air force, based at a military airfield "Lipetsk-2". He told our reporter.

Vladimir Nikolaevich in the MIG-29 performed a routine training mission — led air combat training. In the sky there were only two aircraft Lytvyn and his imaginary enemy for the rest of the square air combat was closed. Therefore, the pilot could not believe his eyes when sight saw what you did there could not be: five balls of greenish-blue. Ahead was the biggest, followed by reducing the remaining. They definitely kept the spacing and speed.

Meanwhile, the aircraft's instruments worked fine, not recorded, no interference. The sun was shining in the back. Lytvyn at that moment was preparing to attack imaginary enemy and especially to escape could not. He only adjusted the side mirrors, I thought, as the sun shines. But the orbs did not disappear. The MIG flew right by them, "head-on". Then head the ball sent to the pilot green light. From the flash blinded eyes — he was much brighter than the welding. Vladimir managed to lower the filter helmet and duck. The beam slid on the canopy and moved higher. The pilot made a maneuver, and when I looked in the scope again, the balls were gone. Then decided that just imagined.

Calmly completed a training battle. UFO report did not. Just checked the trim and glass lantern — all were intact. And in the morning the pilot called into the office to the boss. "Lytvyn, you are a UFO shot!" — stunned him. And showed the negatives, which show just exactly those balls! It turns out that unidentified objects recorded on-Board equipment. The instrument of objective control, i.e. the camera installed on the fighter records with a speed of 24 frames per second everything in sight. Including UFOs.

— Pictures requested Colonel Chaga, the then Deputy head of the aviation center. Footage of UFOs researched by experts and found them true, — said Vladimir Litvin.

Only Colonel Vladimir Litvin has flown fighters for more than two and a half thousand hours, was awarded the order "For service to Motherland".

In the Lipetsk aviation center, we were asked to comment on the story of a former pilot.

— Flying for over 20 years and never seen anything like it. Other pilots never about UFOs did not. And with Colonel Litvin chat was not possible, he's long retired, said the Deputy head of the aviation center for flight operations Colonel Nikolay Gostev.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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