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UFO. Russia

ID #1527606457
Added Tue, 29/05/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Липецкая трубная компания "Свободный сокол"
Lipetskaya oblast

It all started with the March 30, 1990. Then Nicholas Chaga, still a Colonel, was performing a training flight on MIG-29. It was night, over land between Lipetsk and Kind. Already landing, but attention was attracted by a strange glow.

— I managed to fly just 10-20 kilometers as a bright cluster of stars turned into white airship. Instead of a nose he has burned a huge star, ' says Nikolai. The light was white, I such even could not imagine. The object continued to change. Became more like a whale, which instead of the tail beams. It seemed that "kit" is quite close in the area of Free Falcon. He was hanging at a height of approximately 3000 meters. I reported to the flight Director. He confirmed that at the specified coordinates is an unidentified flying object. It reported civilian pilot, a flight from Moscow to Voronezh!

— Permission to fly around an object? — I was torn by curiosity.

— No! received was the answer

When landed, the Chaga came the other pilots that were with him in the sky, and said that he had seen unidentified objects. But to report to the KP decided not to: afraid of being deemed crazy and turn out of the air force.

But 2 months later UFO over Lipetsk began to appear regularly. And the Chaga had to collect stories, pictures colleagues. Brought and pictures taken with the onboard camera. Unidentified objects repeatedly appeared during a mock battle. As a rule, brought images of a "lenticular" UFO, but there were exceptions, like the films of the flight of Lytvyn.

In 1991 I spotted Marina Popovich, a famous test pilot, wife of cosmonaut Popovicha, she just dealt with this problem. Asked me to give the surviving photographs and drawings. I went to Moscow to receive the title of Honored pilot of the USSR. With Marina we met in the Star. She promised pictures back, but evidently it did not, — said Nikolai. — And other pictures in the aviation facility may have been destroyed as the retention period is only one year.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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