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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Brownie. Russia

ID #1528109037
Added Mon, 04/06/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Amurskaya oblast

An eyewitness account:

Before the war of 1941, my parents lived near the airport of the city of Svobodnyy, Amur region. His father worked as a carpenter in the brigade. He received a vacant apartment. This apartment was always uninhabited, each settled within her family, after living for some time, was moved. And we, the locals said that the apartment is bad, and why, is not explained. The family consisted of three people: my father, mother and grandfather. I had not yet been born. Write the story of my mother.

The first time, maybe a week or two, and live normally. Nothing strange occurred. But then started something unimaginable. Mother began to feel that from under the bed away from the wall slowly slides the soft "furry" hand. This hand gets to her neck and begins to strangle the mother! First slowly, then harder squeezes her throat. Mom Wake up in a panic, filled with fear. So was repeated every night.

Ways to strangle this unknown entity were different. Sometimes a Strangler started to fall down. Pressed all over the body again gradually approaching the neck. As he approached, squeezing the throat. Mom didn't have enough air to breathe and she was able to Wake up, really scared. My father and grandfather saw how she gets up in the night out of bed. She told them every time about what happened to her in a dream.

Grandfather who didn't believe in brownies, immediately, competently explained what is happening ordinary stagnation of blood in the body of the sleeper, from uncomfortable positions, and he begins to dream such a nightmare. He brought his mother argument: "We are not strangling one", referring to himself and my father. As he could, comforted her and said that this phenomenon will pass. But then this unknown, the alleged house, and undertook a grandfather... Became too suffocating at night.

Grandfather fell silent, immediately stopped to explain his "scientific" theories about what happened. Came the turn and to the father. Another night, began to walk to the fact that such attempts are stuffy felt at night, two and sometimes all three. Figured out why the apartment was empty. Began to think seriously about how to move out of this apartment. But where? The mother advised that the house is not choked, it is necessary in the afternoon when nobody at home, access to the cellar, to criticize his stronger language, and say such a way to get him off me and left them alone. Mom did so, and he ceased to perform their actions.

Some nights it is not. But then lashed out more than ever, began to choke two times per night. Mom even repented that swearing at him. The house was two apartments with different moves and a shared kitchen. Next door lived a family Mazarovich husband and wife. They had a cow. On the occasion that a cow had to calve soon and that a future calf didn't freeze in the barn, they, with the permission of my parents, the cow brought this maternity leave period, to the kitchen.

Neighbor Majorova was very grateful to my parents. And knowing that, they decided to go with this distressed apartment, said my mother's mysterious phrase: "don't leave it more choke will not."

But building an organization where my father worked, was disbanded. He began to look for a new job and found him on the outskirts of the city in a military unit. They moved into the barracks. We Nazarovym friends all the time, yet lived in the far East until November 1949.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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