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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Gnome. United States

ID #1529924704
Added Mon, 25/06/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United States

An eyewitness account:

"My mother and grandmother told me the story and swore that it was true," says an unnamed American, "it Was the summer of 1969 and my mother was 19 years old. I have to say that it is in his youth and later did not take any drugs and thus all further not a hallucination. Mum's bedroom was near the kitchen and in the summer she lived at her grandmother's house, and my father fought in Vietnam.

The bedroom window was cracked and that night she heard strange noises outside. She woke up, sat and listened. The sounds repeated. Then she decided to get up and go to the window, but then suddenly I saw from the window inside the room climbs some sort of figurine. She decided that this is all very strange, but felt no fear. A man, meanwhile, walked over to her bed, climbed on and sat on the edge, legs dangling. My mom said nothing and did not cry, but just looked at him

. In appearance it resembled the figure of a garden gnome, wearing the same clothes and red cap. The gnome fidgeted a bit and when got comfortable, pulled out a small bag that hung at his belt, a pipe and lit it. And then he started to tell my mom that my dad was a trouble. No, he's not dead, but it was a serious trouble and that my mom they say read more know about it the next morning. Treaty, the dwarf removed the tube and into a bag, jumped out of bed, went to the window and climbed back into the garden.

After that, my mom finally seemed to awake and began to scream and call my grandmother. When grandma came in and turned on the light, she saw that the room was full of smoke and smell of tobacco. She asked why she smokes and especially at night, but mom told her about the gnome. Of course, grandma didn't believe in anything.

But in the morning the phone rang and the phone asked mom. It was a call from the military. They told me that my father was wounded and sent home to be treated. After about 10 days, he will have us in the city. Grandmother only then believed the story of mother.

There was one oddity in all of this. Mom somehow was convinced that this dwarf is not real being, but a Ghost. She told me that he was so transparent that it was visible through other objects. But why would a Ghost do such a difficult way to climb over the wall to the window, then the window to the bed and then back again? Mom didn't know the answers."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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