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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Ireland

ID #1542098013
Added Tue, 13/11/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
09.11.2018 06:47

On November 9, pilots of Virgin Airlines and British Airways reported seeing strange bright lights in the sky over Ireland, which were moving at very high speed.

As reported by First, the UFO was reported by a female pilot of a British Airways Boeing 787, following flight BA94 from Montreal (Canada) to Heathrow (United Kingdom). At about 7.40 am, the plane was flying over Ireland and the pilot saw something strange in the sky.

After the observation, the pilot immediately called the Irish traffic control service of the city of Shannon-Shannon Air Traffic Control and asked if there were military exercises or something similar in the specified area. Shannon said they didn't know anything about it, and there was nothing on their radar. After that, the pilot of the Boeing 787 began to tell them how she saw someone's lights next to the plane and it was moving very fast.

According to her, the UFO passed on the left side of the plane and then quickly turned north.

"There was a very bright light and it was moving away at a very high speed. It was something interesting and not like oncoming planes, " the pilot said. You can listen to the full recording of the negotiations in the video below.

Later, the same UFO was reported by a Virgin Airlines pilot who was on flight VS76 from Orlando to Manchester. According to him, he saw something that reminded him of a bright meteor. However, he saw several similar objects at once and they all followed the same trajectory.

Both aircraft flew at a standard altitude of 8,600 km to 12,800 km during the observation of unidentified objects. It is also reported that the pilot of another plane saw strange lights over Ireland on the same day on November 9, but details about it are not specified in the press. The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) has announced that an investigation has begun into the unusual phenomenon.

Original news

News states: 

At 6.47am on November 9, 2018, the pilot of a British Airways flight contacted Shannon Air Traffic Control (ATC) to report a mysterious object travelling at high speed, and to ask if there were military exercises taking place in the airspace through which her Boeing 787 was passing. She was told that no military exercises were taking place, and that there was nothing unusual showing up on radar. The pilot responded: “OK. It was moving so fast.” The controller then asked: “Alongside you?” She described how the UFO came up along the left-hand side of the aircraft, “then rapidly veered to the north”. She said it was “a very bright light” that “disappeared at very high speed”. The pilot of a Virgin Airlines Boeing 747 then joined the conversation and said there were “multiple objects following the same sort of trajectory”. Shannon ATC asked if the pilots knew which direction the objects were heading. The Virgin Airlines pilot said it was in his “11 o’clock position” with “two bright lights over to the right”, that then climbed away at speed. The Irish Aviation Authority has begun an investigation into the sighting.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The spires of the skyscrapers, the mountains, the pipe above the clouds

Part of skyscrapers, pipes, which they smoke, the high parts of mountains and other high areas of the landscape and buildings towering above the clouds or mist, may be mistaken for UFOs or ghosts.

Most often the effect occurs when observing from the plane, but sometimes, for example, at low clouds can be observed from earth.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

If the photos are relevant to this fact, then, most likely, these are some objects that reflect light (spires, roofs, etc.), located at the level of the earth's surface. Because of their brightness, the illusion is created that they are at the level of the clouds or just below.

The same frames were specified for #1612606562 16.10.2014 05: 00 Taipei (Taiwan). Thus, most likely, they are not relevant to this fact.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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