ID | #1544006210 |
Added | Wed, 05/12/2018 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Result
Resume |
Initial data
Researchers have found in Mexico is a strange creature with wings, in whose existence some netizens stubbornly refuse to believe. So, found an extraterrestrial being or a fairy.
Little creatures with wings mentioned in the 19th century: they were the illustrations to the different books. Being, as a rule, belonged to the female sex, they had pointed ears and a mischievous nature. Some sources say the dark nature of faeries: they're supposedly able to change a person's thinking, that he began to think differently about the world.
In 2016, the Internet appeared a video in which scientist Bryan Forester talks about the mysterious creature. The body has no signs of life, facial features of the object of study and small wings scare as the expert and his colleagues.
Brian is sure that the creation is real. Perhaps it is an alien hybrid or the result of some experiments. Researcher Lynn Marzulli even led the x-rays of beings, which are clearly visible bone structure.
Of course, all these facts can be carefully planned joke. Or the given picture and photos is real evidence of the existence of fairies.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
En un vídeo subido a YouTube el 8 de julio de 2016, el investigador Brien Foerster afirma que en una oficina en la Ciudad de México hay el cuerpo sin vida de una misteriosa criatura con características humanoides y con pequeñas alas, según ha publicado The Inquisitr News.
“Vi a este extraño animal en una oficina en la Ciudad de México en enero de 2016”, reza la descripción del vídeo publicado por Foerster. “¿Qué es esta extraña criatura con alas en este frasco? Como biólogo experto no creo que sea falso.”
Pero lo más sorprendente es que unas pruebas de rayos X de la misteriosa criatura realizada por científicos han demostrado que tiene una estructura esquelética biológica real y que es el cadáver de una criatura muerta, y no un engaño. Conspiranoicos han pedido las pruebas de ADN para descubrir más evidencias sobre la naturaleza y el origen de la supuesta criatura y la prueba definitiva de la existencia de vida extraterrestre en la Tierra.
“Esta hada tiene una apariencia humana y un aspecto real”, dijo Foerster. “Me gustaría que pudiéramos obtener un análisis de ADN de esta criatura.”
El vídeo muestra a L.A. Marzulli, investigando a la supuesta criatura alada y entrevistando a expertos en lo paranormal como Jaime Maussan.
“Se trata de un híbrido extraterrestre, y eso es algo muy importante, porque creo que estos son experimentos confidenciales”, dice Maussan en el vídeo. “Pero tenemos un cuerpo físico. Podemos analizar ese cuerpo físico y demostrar que algo, una inteligencia, está detrás de estos experimentos.”
Marzulli también entrevista a un hombre que asegura ser científico. El científico afirma que la investigación de rayos X demuestra el misterioso cadáver no es ningún engaño.
“Tiene alas, tenemos una radiografía de esta criatura, y podemos ver la estructura de los huesos”, dice el supuesto científico.
El bloguero y ufólogo Scott C. Waring, de UFO Sightings Daily, se refirió a la extraña criatura como un hada, y solicitó las pruebas de ADN para tener más información.
“He aquí una criatura interesante que fue descubierta en México, colocado en un frasco en un museo”, escribió Waring. “Es bien sabido que los extraterrestres podrían adaptar cualquier forma y tamaño, incluso del tamaño diminuto de un insecto con un coeficiente intelectual de un genio. La inteligencia no tiene límites. El descubrimiento en México de esta hada es muy similar en apariencia a la humana, y tiene un aspecto real. Me gustaría que pudiéramos obtener un análisis de ADN de esta criatura.”
Deliberate falsification
This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.
There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.
Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.
The basic version is a deliberate falsification. In particular because of the bright spots in the joints of the bones of the creatures on regenerate. As stated on one of the sites:
But as a short video on YouTube, it seems, is the promotional video for the long documentary, skeptics suggest that it's just a well thought out joke to generate income.
It was interesting to find the full version of the film.
In the course of search found a web site thefieldreportscom.wordpress.comthat refers to this full version with a duration of 41 minutes. Video "WATCHERS 10.2 - Anatomy of a Hoax" separately, you can look at
WATCHERS 10.2 - Anatomy of a Hoax from Richard Shaw on Vimeo.
This video Lynn Marzulli (LA Marzulli) and Richard Shaw (Richard Shaw) who thoroughly examined the creature's body. They had a large number of tests, and made numerous rentgenologicheski pictures. Despite the fact that the tissue clearly belonged to a living creature, there are still many questions and unclear details. They received permission to dissect the sample to fill in the blanks. During the autopsy they found artificial substance that connects parts of the skeleton. Ears and wings for the "fairy" was also taped. The wings were bat wings. The skull was probably taken from a monkey.
As a result, the researchers concluded that it is a hoax.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Deliberate falsification
This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.
There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.
Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.
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